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IMDA regulations are shaped by community values and social norms, and IMDA actively involves and consults the community in the formulation of its guidelines. More than 260 members of the public from all walks of life provide guidance to IMDA in its formulation of guidelines, and provide constant feedback and advice on content standards in the various media forms.


IMDA regulations are developed in consultation with the community to ensure that its guidelines align with social norms and values. More than 260 members of the public from all walks of life provide guidance to IMDA in its formulation of guidelines, and provide feedback and advice on content standards in the various media forms. Public consultation with the committees supports IMDA’s work in protecting the young while providing more content choices for adults. 

  • Arts Consultative Panel (ACP)
  • Films Consultative Panel (FCP)
  • Programme Advisory Committees (PAC)
  • Publications Consultative Panel (PCP)
  • Political Films Consultative Committee (PFCC)
  • Appeals Committees
  • Censorship Review Committees (CRC)

Arts Consultative Panel (ACP)

The Arts Consultative Panel (ACP) provides feedback and recommendations on plays and other forms of arts entertainment such as dance and music performances and art exhibitions. Its key roles are:

  • To assist IMDA in evaluating arts entertainment and to recommend their suitability for public viewing and any rating that may be required.
  • To provide advice and feedback on IMDA's guidelines and standards for arts entertainment.

The ACP is chaired by Mr Jacky Foo, Board Member, TAL Group. Please click here for the full list of current ACP members (124.91KB).

Films Consultative Panel (FCP)

The Films Consultative Panel (FCP) is consulted when more views are needed to help make a decision on a classification rating. The opinions of the FCP are also sought when classification frameworks and guidelines are reviewed, so as to better reflect community standards and social norms, and contribute to a more balanced approach towards film classification.

The panel is chaired by Ms Cheryl Ng, Director of Great Expectations Communications Laboratory. Please click here for the full list of FCP members (90.44KB), and click here for examples of consultation cases.

Programme Advisory Committees (PAC)

The Programme Advisory Committees provide IMDA with feedback from a community perspective on content standards matters and the quality of local Public Service Media content. The four language-specific committees, which comprise individuals from various backgrounds and expertise, are appointed for a term of two years.

Each committee’s role is to:

  • Provide advice on the range and quality of Public Service Media content across platforms.
  • Engage in dialogue with Public Service Media entities.
  • Provide feedback and advice on content standards in programmes and advertisements on FTA TV, radio and pay-TV.
  • Provide advice to IMDA in the formulation and review of broadcast content guidelines.

The four committees are: 

Programme Advisory Committee for English Programmes (PACE)

The committee advises on English media content. 

It is chaired by Dr Gan Su-lin, Communications & Engagement Consultant. Please click here for the full list of current PACE members (117.36KB).

Advisory Committee for Chinese Programmes (ACCESS)

The committee advises on Chinese media content.

The current committee is chaired by Associate Professor Foo Tee Tuan from Singapore University of Social Sciences. Please click here for a list of current ACCESS members (75.07KB).

Malay Programmes Advisory Committee (MPAC)

The committee advises on Malay media content.

The current committee is chaired by Ms Zarina Yusof, Head of Community Care for The National Kidney Foundation Singapore. Please click here for the full list of MPAC members (27.68KB).

Indian Programmes Advisory Committee (IPAC)

The committee advises on Indian media content.

It is chaired by Mr Shekaran K Krishnan, Partner, Ernst & Young LLP. Please click here for the full list of current IPAC members (58.27KB).

The PACs’ past reports can be found here.

Publications Consultative Panel (PCP)

The Publications Consultative Panel (PCP) advises and provides feedback on content standards, trends, issues, and guidelines with regard to local and imported publications. It also advises IMDA on controversial publications, and aids with the formulation of content guidelines.

The Chairperson of the Panel is Mrs Triena Noeline Ong, Director of Etymology: International Book Publishing & Editorial Services. Please click here for the full list of current PCP members (56.55KB).

Political Films Consultative Committee (PFCC)

The independent Political Films Consultative Committee was set up to advise whether a film would fall within the definition of a party political film. Any film that the IMDA considers to be a possible party political film is sent to the PFCC for its evaluation and views. IMDA then takes into consideration the PFCC’s recommendations before making its decision.

The panel is headed by Mr Alan Chan, Chairman of the Land Transport Authority. Please click here for the full list of PFCC members (124.55KB).

Appeals Committees

Broadcast, Publications & Arts Appeal Committee (BPAAC)

The Broadcast, Publications and Arts Appeal Committee (BPAAC) is an advisory committee appointed by the Minister for Communications and Information. When an appeal is lodged, Minister may convene the BPAAC to provide its independent views on the appeals which may be lodged by parties aggrieved by decisions undertaken by the IMDA or the Arts Entertainment Licensing Officer (AELO) in relation to content regulatory matters.

The current committee is led by Dr Suzaina Kadir, Vice-Dean (Academic Affairs) Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore. Please click here for the full list of BPAAC members (479.44KB).

Films Appeal Committee (FAC)

The committee provides an avenue for the relevant applicant, film distributor/exhibitor, filmmaker, and registered content assessor to appeal against IMDA’s non-national security related classification decisions. The decision of the committee is final.

The committee is chaired by Mr Tan Boon Huat, a veteran of the Singapore Administrative Service. Please click here for the full list of FAC members (110.38KB).

Censorship Review Committee (CRC)

The Censorship Review Committee (CRC) reviews censorship laws and structures, and the role of public education. They also provide recommendations on existing policies and guidelines to keep pace with social and technological changes.

Censorship Review Committee 2010

A Censorship Review Committee was appointed in September 2009 by the former Acting Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts. Its role was to conduct a review to refine and update content regulation policies and standards across the various media.

The committee was headed by Mr Goh Yew Lin, Chairman of Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music. It comprised sixteen other members from a cross section of society. The committee conducted a representative survey, held a series of focus groups as part of its review to obtain an understanding of community and industry concerns. The committee completed its review in Sept 2010.

Censorship Review Committee 2002/2003

The then Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts (MICA), now Ministry of Digital Development and Information, appointed a CRC in 2002 to review and recommend changes to the guidelines and policies for the different media in view of social and technological developments. The CRC 2002/3, comprising 22 members, was chaired by Mr Liu Thai Ker, Director, RSP Architects, Planners and Engineers Pte Ltd.

Censorship Review Committee 1992

The Censorship Review Committee was appointed in May 1991, under the chairmanship of Professor Tommy Koh. To assist in its review, the committee considered written submissions from individuals and organisations and held discussions with relevant organisations, such as the Cinematograph Film Exhibitors Association and the Singapore Booksellers Association.

The CRC 1992 also commissioned a survey to ascertain public reaction to some censorship issues and gauge whether there had been a shift in moral values since the last censorship review in 1981. The survey showed that Singaporeans held a strong regard for the traditional family unit and resisted other lifestyles which were perceived to be at odds with this belief. The survey also showed that Singaporeans were deeply influenced by their religious beliefs and moral principles.