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Content Standards and Classification

Over the years, Singapore’s media landscape has undergone transformation due to technological advancements, convergence of platforms, and the forces of globalisation. IMDA’s regulatory approach has also evolved so that content regulation remains in step with social norms and enhances the media literacy of Singaporeans. To ensure compliance with these content standards, IMDA has implemented a range of regulations, including licensing requirements for broadcasters, content providers, and online news websites.

Standards and Classification
Standards & Guidelines

Standards and Classification

Through content classification, the public can access a wide range of content while ensuring the young are protected from unsuitable content. The content classification system is based on a set of content standards that promote responsible content creation and consumption.

Consultation with Committees
Frameworks and Policies

Consultation with Committees

IMDA regularly consults the community to ensure that regulations and guidelines are in line with social norms and values.

Committee Reports
Frameworks and Policies

Committee Reports

I​​​MDA works regularly with committees made up of a wide cross section of the public to review content codes and guidelines. The committees’ feedback and recommendations are available in their reports here.

Media Classification Database
Standards & Guidelines

Media Classification Database

The Media Classification Database aims to provide classification information to help members of the public make informed choices on media consumption.