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Where to go to watch local

Where to go to watch local


2015 was a watershed year for Singapore’s filmmakers, with a bumper crop of 20 local films making their way to the silver screen amidst the SG50 Jubilee celebrations of all things proudly Singaporean. Come 2016, this momentum is set to continue. In this first quarter of the new year, members of the public can continue to enjoy the work of our home-grown filmmakers beyond new film releases in theatres through the following programmes specially lined up by the Objectifs Centre for Photography and Film. Check out the event details below and be sure to support local!

By Michelle Lee

1. Watch Local Film Screenings

Dates & Times: 23 Feb to 3 Mar 2016, 7.30pm 
Venue: Chapel Gallery, Objectifs, 155 Middle Road, Singapore 188977 
Admission: Entry by donation, pre-registration required

This year, Objectifs will screen short and feature films from a diverse selection of Singapore filmmakers such as Boo Junfeng, Wee Li Lin, Yong Mun Chee and Liao Jiekai. Each night will focus on a different director and provide a unique perspective on their creative journey from their first short film to their first feature film. Post-screening discussions will accompany some of the sessions, allowing the audience exclusive insight into how these filmmakers have grown in their craft. From comedy to horror to drama, there will be something for everyone!

For details on the line-up of films, visit Objectifs’ website.

2. Discussing Singapore Cinema

Dates & Times: Every Tuesday from 26 Jan to 1 Mar 2016, 7.30pm (except 9 Feb) 
Venue: Workshop Space, Objectifs, 155 Middle Road, Singapore 188977 
Admission: Entry by donation

This series of talks by film lecturer, Wong Hong Yi, will take a closer look at Singapore cinema by uncovering recurring themes and focusing on the works of several local filmmakers. Organised in conjunction with this year’s Watch Local screenings, these talks will enable participants to learn more about how the Singaporean identity has shaped our films, and how it has expressed and influenced our perceptions and understanding of the world.

Line-up of Talks:
26 Jan Singapore Film: What is it?
2 Feb Art as Alternative Voice
16 Feb Director Focus: Jack Neo
23 Feb Director Focus: Wee Li Lin
1 Mar Director Focus: Eric Khoo
To register for the line-up of talks, visit Objectifs’ website.

3. Stories That Matter (Mar 2016)

Dates & Times: 8 to 12 March 2016, 7.30pm 
Venue: To be confirmed 
Admission: Entry by donation

This line-up of documentary and fiction films run the gamut from narratives on environmental crises to personal stories, giving insight into issues that impact our lives in a multitude of ways. Singapore films will feature in an international selection of short and feature films from countries such as Iran, The Philippines, and the United States in this series of public screenings. There will also be post-screening discussions on selected films.

For more details on the programme, visit Objectifs’ website nearer the date.


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