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10Gbps Nationwide Broadband Network (10G NBN) Grant


Singapore’s past investments in the first-generation Nationwide Broadband Network (NBN) laid the foundation for a reliable and high bandwidth connectivity infrastructure. This has in turn supported the rapid pace of digital transformation. These early investments enabled our people and businesses to realise many of the benefits of digital technology that we enjoy today.

With the rise of emerging technologies and applications, such as immersive, bi-directional end-user interactions, augmented reality/virtual reality services, etc, the need for faster speeds and higher symmetric bandwidth will continue to rise.

IMDA has thus launched a 10Gbps Nationwide Broadband Network (10G NBN) Grant on 21 February 2024. Up to S$100 million will be invested to upgrade the NBN, enabling it to remain future-ready. This will support the upgrading of both the back-end network and front-end user equipment to enable up to 10Gbps services and innovative offerings to businesses and consumers.

You may refer to the Press Release for details of the 10G NBN Grant.

Who can apply?

The application is opened to all NBN Operating Companies who are interested to provide residential 10 Gigabit-Passive Optical Network (10G-PON) services.

How to apply?

Interested NBN operating companies can submit your interest by emailing to with subject header “[company] 10G NBN Grant Registration” by 1 March 2024, 1700hr.

Registration details on the 10G NBN Grant will be provided to eligible NBN operating companies who submit interest as above. Successful registrants will receive the grant application documents and grant details. The deadline for submission of grant applications is 11 April 2024, 1700hr.


For further clarifications on the 10G NBN Grant, please contact


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