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Cohesive and Inclusive Society
More Singapore stories to hit the big screen

MDA actively supports Singapore’s budding filmmakers, who continue to show the multi-faceted aspects of Singapore society and minority interests through their works.

MDA launched the New Talent Feature Grant in May 2012, enabling first- and second-time filmmakers to explore different genres, including those of artistic and cultural value, such as documentaries, festival-oriented works, and films in non-English languages. The scheme also supports films meant for theatrical release, festivals and broadcast.

The scheme provides a grant, instead of a co-investment amount. Recipients of the grant own their intellectual property, and they are free to form teams with other individuals including freelancers.

Administered by the Singapore Film Commission, a part of the MDA, the funding is up to $250,000 or 100 per cent of the production budget for each project (whichever is lower).

quote from Eric Khoo