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World Class Media Cluster
Publishing digitally
or traditionally

With increasing connectivity and changes in consumer lifestyle, the publishing industry is quickly moving from print to digital, presenting new opportunities. MDA introduced initiatives to encourage publishers to venture into digital publishing and distribution in the year of review.

With the revamped industry grant schemes, MDA encouraged publishers to pick up local authors’ works and channel them through their pool of editors, illustrators, and other creative talents, giving local books better packaging and an international outlook.

Picture Gallery
  • Epicure by Magazines Integrated

  • Dream Walker series by Yeo Hui Xuan

  • Haee The Cat with a Crooked Tail by Monsoon Books

  • Asia360º by Asia360º news

  • The Diary of Amos Lee by Adeline Foo

  • Inspector Singh Investigates: A Curious Indian Cadaver by Shamini Flint

  • Ellie Belly: Cat’s Out of the Bag by Eliza Teoh

  • Expat Living by Rebecca Bisset/ Expat Living

More Singapore titles broke into the China market. Five hundred Singapore titles offered by four publishers – Pan Asia Publishing, People Trends, Experiences and Experiments and EonBoo Publishing – would be digitised and distributed in China, starting from end 2013. The titles ranged from children’s fiction, investment, travel, language, lifestyle to entertainment.

A popular Singapore title that would be localised and distributed to key Chinese cities from 2013 is The Diary of Amos Lee by Singaporean author and MES scholar, Adeline Foo. In early 2012, The Diary of Amos Lee was also made into a TV series for the OKTO channel.

quote from Adeline Foo

Besides supporting content development, MDA also created opportunities for publishers to distribute their works through various online channels, such as supporting companies’ efforts to list their titles in e-bookstores ranging from Amazon (US) to MPH e-bookstore (Malaysia).