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Party Political Broadcast Scripts on 28 April 2011



The Media Development Authority (MDA) is making available the Party Political Broadcast scripts to be delivered by the seven political parties on 28 April 2011.

The allocation of air-time for the Party Political Broadcast is based on the following principles:

  1. Number of candidates fielded by a recognised political party under a recognised party symbol

  2. Independents, and a political party fielding less than 6 candidates under the same recognised party symbol are not eligible for party political broadcasts on radio or on television

Please see Annex A for Important Instructions that media should observe in their reporting of the scripts.

For the Sequence of Scripts based on the order of appearance by the political parties, please see Annex B.

To access the full set of Scripts, please refer to Annex C.


About the Media Development Authority of Singapore
The Media Development Authority of Singapore ( promotes the development of vibrant and competitive film, television, radio, publishing, music, games, animation and interactive digital media industries in Singapore. It has developed an industry masterplan, Singapore Media Fusion 2015 ( to advance this goal. MDA also promotes a connected society, consumer choice and a pro-business environment