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MDA further cements strong media partnership between Korea and Singapore


The Korea IT International Cooperation Agency (KIICA) and the Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that underscores a joint commitment to facilitate and catalyse media co-productions between both countries. The Korea IT International Cooperation Agency (KIICA) has been appointed by the Korean Government to coordinate international cooperation and promotion activities relating to broadcasting and communications.

Inked at the Asia Media Festival 2008 Country Showcase this afternoon, the memorandum follows five previous agreements between the MDA and various Korean agencies representing the broadcast and film sectors. The MOU between MDA and KIICA will give rise to further opportunities for the co-production of digital broadcasting factual programmes, and serves to drive the exchange of information and best practices relating to the broadcasting industry. It also sets the foundation to encourage collaboration between Singaporean and Korean media companies through networking opportunities vis-à-vis delegation visits and industry meetings at major media trade events in Korea and Singapore.

“KIICA is focused on raising the quality of the broadcasting and new media industry, and on promoting digital media in Korea through international collaborations and projects. With MDA as our strategic partner, we are confident that the Korean- Singapore co-production of factual broadcasting programmes will ignite further collaborations between Korea and Singapore media companies, and encourage more media content co-production, new Internet Multimedia Broadcasting (IPTV) services, and the marketing of Asian content between both countries and internationally. As such, we believe the KIICA-MDA MOU signed today will be very productive and meaningful,” said Mr. Lee Yun-Soo, Vice President of KIICA.

As a first step following the MOU-signing, KIICA and MDA will be funding an official High Definition (HD) TV documentary to be co-produced by Singapore production company Infocus Asia and Korean production company Digital Chosun. Based on the theme of "Communications Convergence", the two-episode Documentary/Infoeducational programme will focus on the broad topics of technological advances in the broadcasting and communications industry, the switch from analogue to digital transmission and the role of interactive digital media in the future.

“The extension of our media partnership today underscores the significance of Singapore’s long-standing relationship with Korea, and will further cement the strong ties between our governments and media industries. Through this initiative, Singapore will bring to the table our expertise and resources in factual programming. With our English-speaking population, libraries, researchers, robust intellectual property and legal framework and business-friendly environment, Korean media companies will be able to tap on the growing pool of talent, film funds, ideas and natural locales here,” said Dr. Christopher Chia, Chief Executive Officer, MDA.

Today’s signing comes on the back of strong ties between Korea and Singapore built upon five past collaborations with various agencies representing the broadcast and film sectors to create a mutually beneficial and synergetic media relationships:
1. An MOU between MDA and Korea Culture &Content Agency (KOCCA) and MDA on 5 July 2007
2. A Co-Production Arrangement of broadcasting programmes between MDA and the Korean Broadcasting Commission (KBC) on 21 June 2007 which established a framework for approved co-productions to be endorsed as national productions and hence qualify for benefits where applicable. This gave rise to the first official co-production - Raiders of the Sulu Sea, a HDTV documentary co-production between Korea's JoongAng Broadcasting Corporation and Singapore production house Oak3, which has been picked up by Q Channel for Korea and The History Channel for Asia
3. A Media Co-operation MOU between MDA and KBC signed on 19 January 2005
4. A Media Co-operation Agreement with the Korean Film Council (KOFIC) in December 2005
5. An MOU on Media Cooperation with the Korean Broadcasting Institute (KBI) in June 2006.

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Asia Media Festival 2008
The Asia Media Festival (AMF) 2008 is a media fiesta, held from 4 to 12 December 2008, comprising events for both trade professionals and consumers. Hosted by the Media Development Authority (MDA), the Festival offers opportunities for the media industry to share best practices, forge strong business networks and foster international collaborations under its line-up of premier trade events, namely: Media Financing Forum, Asia Television Forum, Digital Future Symposium and New Media Conference. More information on AMF 2008 can be found at

Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA)
Formed in 2003, the Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) plays a vital role in transforming Singapore into a Global Media City and positioning it at the forefront of the digital media age. MDA spearheads initiatives that promote developments in film, video, television, radio, publishing, music, games, animation, media services and Interactive Digital Media. At the same time, in ensuring clear and consistent regulatory policies and guidelines, MDA helps to foster a pro-business environment for industry players and increase media choices for consumers. For more information, visit and

Singapore Media Fusion (SMF)
The Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) has developed the “Singapore Media Fusion” (SMF) strategic positioning which encapsulates the attributes of the media industry in showcasing Singapore as a global media city. SMF is a mark of the quality of our products and services and the collective richness and diversity of the media industry. The positioning not only lends consistency in the manner to which the Singapore media industry is represented and promoted, it is also intended to enhance the image of Singapore media at an international level, in a compelling and coherent manner. For more information, visit

Korea IT International Cooperation Agency (KIICA) was established in January 2007 to actively support international cooperation and overseas market expansion of Korea’s IT sector. KIICA’s role as a facilitator in promoting Korea’s core growth engine in the global market ranges from fostering international cooperation between countries in service such as the Wireless Broadband Internet, DMB and other IT related services to providing One-stop services by designing plans and marketing strategies. KIICA is charged with raising the quality of broadcasting industry and promoting digital media in Korea by conducting various projects with international cooperation to support the broadcasting community as well.