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Singapore and Australia intend to sign Film Co-production Agreement by end of 2007


Film commissions from both countries host co-production panel session at Cannes today

Leveraging on the strong bi-lateral relationship between Singapore and Australia, both countries announced at the Marché du Film (Cannes Film Market) today the intent to sign a Film Co-production Agreement by end of 2007.

The agreement will further enhance the cultural and creative exchange between the two countries and it will cover co-productions in films, television, video recordings, animations and digital format productions. In an effort to kick-start the collaboration, the Singapore Film Commission and the Australia Film Commission jointly hosted a co-production panel session at Cannes today to share information about both countries’ film incentives and investment opportunities with Singaporean and Australian filmmakers.

The panel discussion was chaired by Mr Mark Woods (Chief Executive of Ausfilm) and included Ms Carlene Tan of the Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA), Ms Soo Wei Shaw from the Singapore Film Commission, Ms Catherine Waters from the Australian Film Commission and Mr Ross Matthews from the Film Finance Corporation Australia. The session, attended by about 50 film industry practitioners, focussed on how these incentives will apply to official co-productions.

Mr Man Shu Sum, Director, Broadcast &Film of MDA and Director of Singapore Film Commission said: “Singapore and Australia have a long-standing and well- established history of cooperation in areas of defence, trade and investment, education and cultural exchanges. Industry interest in film co-production is already reflected by the growing number of partnerships between Australia and Singapore media companies. An example is Home Song Stories, a film co-produced by Singapore’s MediaCorp Raintree Pictures and Australia’s Film Finance Corporation scheduled for release later this year.

Ms Catherine Waters, Manager of the Legal Affairs and Co-productions Branch of the Australian Film Commission, said that such forums provide valuable platforms for exchanging information and initiating production relationships. “Australia and Singapore have a significant history of cultural and commercial co-operation. Once finalised, the Australia–Singapore Co-production Treaty will provide a welcome opportunity for further creative, commercial and cultural collaboration. Forums such as today’s event are an important part of the process and are the basis from which mutually beneficial production relationships will emerge.”

For more information, please contact:

Ms Jasmine Wong
Assistant Manager, Communications
Media Development Authority
Tel: (+65) 6837 9364

Ms Phoebe Seow
Assistant Director, Communications
Media Development Authority
Tel: (+65) 6837 9369

Ms Carolyn Grant
Avviso PR for the Australian Film Commission
Tel: +61 2 9368 7277

Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA)

The Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) was formed on 1 January 2003 to champion Media 21, a blueprint to transform Singapore into a global media city. Media 21 seeks to create a vibrant media environment by establishing Singapore as a media exchange, exporting Made-by-Singapore content, internationalising local media companies, nurturing local media talent and developing digital media. More information on MDA can be found on

Singapore Film Commission (SFC)

The Singapore Film Commission (SFC) is an agency under the Media Development Authority (MDA) that facilitates and assists film development for Singapore. The SFC’s key areas of focus are: Funding, Facilitation and Promotion. Its mission is to nurture, support, and promote Singapore talent in film-making, the production of Singapore films, and a film industry in Singapore. For more information please visit,

Australian Film Commission (AFC)

The Australian Film Commission (AFC) is an Australian Government agency which exists to ensure the creation, availability and preservation of Australian audiovisual content. The AFC enriches Australia’s national identity by fostering an internationally competitive audiovisual production industry, making Australia's audiovisual content and culture available to all, and developing and preserving a national collection of sound and moving image. For more information see