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Korea and Singapore strengthen bi-lateral ties in media with MOU Signing


Inked by MDA and Korea Culture &Content Agency, MOU aims to boost production and marketing of media content between both countries. In yet another move that signifies the strong bi-lateral ties between Korea and Singapore in the area of media, the Korea Culture &Content Agency (KOCCA) and the Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) today.

KOCCA and MDA will collaborate to develop the local creative content industry including the media and digital media industries. This will be achieved via developmental programmes as well as facilitating market access globally. Broadly, this MOU will enhance bilateral co-productions, training exchanges, joint marketing of Asian content between Singapore and Korean media companies to promote a mutually beneficial and synergetic relationship.

It was signed between MDA’s Chairman, Dr Tan Chin Nam and Mr Suh Byong Moon, President and Chief Executive Officer of KOCCA.

KOCCA is responsible for spearheading the growth of the culture content business in Korea that includes animations, music, character (licensed merchandise business), cartoons, mobile, internet content and new media technology.

Said Dr Tan: “In line with our vision to transform Singapore into a global media city, we recognise the importance of growing and sustaining the ecosystem of the local media industry – from pre-production, financing, character licensing and post production – beyond Singapore’s shores.

“With KOCCA continuing with the growth of digital content such as animation and related media services such as character licensing, this strategic partnership with KOCCA augurs well for our local media companies as they now have new possibilities for collaboration to address the growing content market in Korea and elsewhere.”

Mr Suh of KOCCA said: “KOCCA actively promotes international cooperation related to the culture content industry. We are impressed with the high quality of content of Made-by-Singapore productions, and we hope that this MOU will boost collaborations between Korea and Singapore media companies to encourage more co-productions or marketing of Asian content between both countries.”

Today’s signing comes on the back of strong ties between Korea and Singapore built upon four past collaborations with various agencies representing the broadcast and film sectors:
1. A recent Co-Production Arrangement of broadcasting programmes between MDA and the Korean Broadcasting Commission (KBC) on 21 June this year
2. An MOU between MDA and KBC signed on 19 January 2005
3. A Media Co-operation Agreement with the Korean Film Council (KOFIC) in December 2005
4. An MOU on Media Cooperation with the Korean Broadcasting Institute (KBI) at the fringes of the Shanghai TV Festival in June 2006. Arising from this, MDA and KBI, during the Asian Media Festival in November 2006, announced the commissioning of the co-production of three High-Definition Television projects by Singapore and Korean producers, slated for international distribution at the end of this year.

These are examples of Singapore-Korean MOUs and co-productions since 2005.

For media enquiries, please contact:
Ms Sharon Tan
Manager, Communications
Tel.    : +65 6837 9011
Email :

Ms Phoebe Seow
Assistant Director, Communications
Tel.    : +65 6837 9369
Email :

About Media Development Authority of Singapore
The Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) was formed on 1 January 2003 to champion Media 21, a blueprint to transform Singapore into a global media city. Media 21 seeks to create a vibrant media environment by establishing Singapore as a media exchange, exporting Made-by-Singapore content, internationalising local media companies, nurturing local media talent and developing digital media. More information on MDA can be found on

About Korea Culture &Content Agency
The Korea Culture &Content Agency (KOCCA) was established in order to foster the Korean creative content industry into becoming the next key driver of the Korean economy as one of world's leading providers of content. Through activities including supporting trade, encouraging international cooperation, fostering creativity, educating creative content professionals and assisting technological development, KOCCA is supporting the Korean creative content industry's rise to new heights.