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Singapore’s Record Showing At Marché du Film


On their third participation at Marché du Film (Cannes Film Market), the Media Development Authority (MDA) and Singapore Film Commission (SFC) will jointly field their largest delegation of nine local filmmakers, ten production companies and an impressive lineup of Singapore’s latest film projects at the world’s leading international film market.

The Singapore delegation will join over 10,000 participants who are expected at Marché du Film 2006, which will be held from 17 - 27 May, in conjunction with the 59th Cannes Film Festival. Marché du Film is one of the key platforms for Singapore filmmakers and producers to market their films worldwide and forge collaborative partnerships with international media players. The renowned film market offers local filmmakers the opportunity to showcase the vitality and diversity of Singapore-made films as well as the increasingly sought-after production, post-production and animation capabilities by the Singapore media industry.

From ten films in 2005, Singapore’s lineup of films surges to 20 films this year. These include 4:30 (Royston Tan, Drama), February 29 (Jean Yeo, Romantic Comedy), I Not Stupid Too (Jack Neo, Satirical Comedy), Love Story (Kelvin Tong, Drama), One Last Dance (Max Makowski, Thriller), Smell of Rain (Gloria Chee, Drama), Singapore Dreaming (Woo Yen Yen and Colin Goh, Black Comedy/ Drama), Zodiac, The Race Begins… (Edward Fu, Animation), 1318 (Koh Chi Sum, Comedy), The Missing Star (Gianni Amelio, Drama), KungFu Gecko (Nickson Fong, Animation), Legend of the Sea (Edward Fu, Animation), Sing to the Dawn (Philip Mark Mitchell, Animation), Armful (Wisit Sasanatieng, Action Thriller), Charlie Company (Jon Lim, Horror), Gone Shopping (Wee Li Lin, Dark Comedy), Fang (Wee Li Lin, Drama), Nadra (Sarah Lambert, Period Drama), Silver Ring (Wong Kuang Yong, Horror/ Suspense), and Titoudao (Goh Boon Teck, Drama).

Of the ten films that premiered at Marché du Film 2005, The Maid, Be With Me and 4:30 have found international representation. Cages and 1942, two films that also premiered last year, have since secured international sales representation and will return for international distribution this year.

“Marché du Film 2006 is a key platform to showcase the cinematographic creations of Singapore’s relatively nascent but highly talented media industry. The international exposure that local filmmakers and production companies gain from the event is invaluable as Singapore stamps its growing presence in the film market”, said Mr Man Shu Sum, Director, SFC. “It is an unprecedented achievement for many Singapore films to find international representation, as witnessed in the last two years. We are confident that our productions, with their compelling content and unique East-West mix, will be well received by international audiences and film professionals”, he added.

The Singapore contingent also comprises representatives from ten local production companies - Cages, Cubix International, MediaCorp Raintree Pictures, Monsoon Pictures, Oak3Films, One Ton Cinema, Rebel Productions, Red Ink Media, Scorpio East Pictures and Shooting Gallery Motion Pictures. They will join the record number of nine local directors who will be showcasing four feature and eight short films at Tous Les Cinémas du Monde - a Cannes Film Festival event dedicated to the celebration of the diversity of world cinema and a recognition of Singapore’s increasing influence at such international film events. As the only Asian representative, Singapore is one of seven countries invited to showcase a crop of films that draws inspiration from her unique cultural and ethnic diversity and global cosmopolitan exposure.

The Singapore Pavilion/ Singapore Film Office is located at Stand 9, Riviera, Marche du Film 2006. Please refer to Annex for the list of films and synopses.

For more information, please contact:

Ms Casey Chang
Assistant Director, Marketing Communications
Media Development Authority
Tel: (65) 6837 9344
Mobile: (65) 9767 9110

Ms Tessa Monteiro
Manager, Communications
Media Development Authority
Tel: (65) 6837 9757
Mobile: (65) 8157 5337