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Prime Candidates, a Channel NewsAsia documentary celebrates mid-lifers and their active lifestyles


One may think twice about running a marathon, getting a PhD or starting a second career after 60 but not the group of Singaporeans featured in Prime Candidates, a new series on mid-lifers who show that age is not an issue when it comes to pursuing active lifestyles, and leading fulfilling lives in their prime of life.

Produced by Oak3 Films and supported by the MDA, Prime Candidates debuts this Friday, 10 February at 9.30pm on Channel News Asia (CNA).

Meet Mr Richard Khoo, an 82-year old grandfather who started running only at 53 and managed to clock up over 40 marathons, and is still adding more to these sterling achievements. See how 76-year old grandfather Dr Wee obtained his PhD at 74 and how former MediaCorp artiste trainer, Xia Chuan, 63, copes with being a father to teenage children. Former netball chief Ivy Singh-Lim will also share her experience in setting up an organic fruit and vegetable farm at 51.

“As Singapore's baby boomers reach their mature years, we feel this is a timely programme which shows that we are never too old to pick up a new skill, learn a sport, or start a business. Prime Candidates not only celebrates our mid-lifers but also inspires all of us to lead an active and meaningful life,” said Ms Amy Chua, Director of Media Content, Media Development Authority (MDA).

Others featured in the programme include a couple who found love in their twilight years;a 62-year-old former port captain who started his own home brewing business after retirement;a retiree who volunteers as a nature guide;and a woman in her 60s who has been a foster mother to more than 40 children.