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Telecast of Concert For Hope To Aid Tsunami Victims



The Media Development Authority (MDA) and MediaCorp TV12 Arts Central are proud to bring viewers the telecast of the recent Concert For Hope, which aims to raise funds for the victims of the Asian tsunami. 

The evening of chamber music was held on 13 January 2005 at the Victoria Concert Hall and featured professional as well as amateur classical musicians, such as the T’ang Quartet, Albert Liu, Chan Yoong Han (NAC Young Artist Award 2004 recipient), Lim Shue Churn, Kelvin Chan, Hu Qin Quartet and Paradigm Ensemble. They played the works of Bach, Dvorak, Leclair, Piazzola and Prokofiev.

The MDA has commissioned a two-hour recording of this concert to be telecast on Arts Central on Sunday, 23 January 2005 at 10pm. The programme will also have details on how viewers can donate to the Singapore Red Cross and World Vision International. Proceeds from the sale of tickets to the concert will also go to the two charities.

Ms Amy Chua, Director, Media Content at the MDA, said, “We are pleased that the classical music community has volunteered their services and joined the ongoing efforts to raise funds for this worthy cause. We hope that the telecast of this concert will not only extend their fundraising efforts to viewers at home, but also create greater awareness of the arts community and their involvement in the community at large.”

Mr Derry Woo, Channel Vice President, Kids and Arts Central Programing, MediaCorp TV12, said, "Arts Central is indeed honoured to be part of this meaningful project –a combined fundraising concert that we hope will move viewers to further support the cause. This effort will also reinforce our strong belief in the power of the arts and its healing qualities.”

Issued jointly by the Media Development Authority and MediaCorp TV12 Arts Central.

For more information, please contact:

Koh June May
Senior Manager
Corporate &Marketing Communications
Media Development Authority
Tel: 68379636

Gideon Koh
Channel Promotions Executive
Central Programming
Tel : 6420 8587
Fax : 6225 0966

Noor Azlan B Salim
Public Relations Manager
Corporate Service
Tel : 6420 8594
Fax : 6220 3881