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Indonesia-Singapore To Launch First High-Definition Romance Hit Drama at ATF


Dialogue, a production company in Indonesia and Upside Down Concepts Pte Ltd from Singapore, announced their first joint venture Alya, a 13-episode romance drama that will premiere on JakTV, a terrestrial television station in Jakarta in February 2006. Alya will be shot in High Definition, a format that is gaining popularity worldwide.

Co-produced by Dialogue, Upside Down Concepts Pte Ltd and the Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) and shot on locations in Jakarta and Singapore, Alya brings together two rich cultures in an eclectic journey of conflicts, humour, love and self actualisation. Directed by Singaporean director cum thespian actor, Keatar H.M., Alya features a strong cast from Indonesia and Singapore, including popular Indonesian artistes Ria Warna and Lucky Element and Singapore’s or-Fidiyana Hassim in the lead role as Alya.

Leveraging on the diversity of the cast against the backdrop of the two countries, the drama tells the story of the hits and misses of a Singaporean girl named Alya. Her world tragically falls apart when her fiancé of 7 years ditches her on her 30th birthday, citing ten things he hates about her. Utterly humiliated, the hapless auditor makes the boldest decision of her life –to accept a job transfer to Jakarta to start afresh. Little did she expect to experience the wildest year of her life when three eligible bachelors compete with her repentant ex-boyfriend for her affection.

“When Upside Down Concepts came to me with the idea of an Indonesia –Singapore collaboration, I immediately jumped on the opportunity. I knew at once that audiences in Jakarta would be intrigued by the interesting storyline and relatable characters in Alya.” says Mr Leonard Cahyo, Managing Director of Dialogue.

Said Executive Producer of Upside Down Concepts, Mr Chan Gin Kai, “Since 2004, we have looked to Indonesia for co-producing partners because we see the great potential there, with its large pool of talents and wide selection of television stations. We hope that this would initiate a head wave of collaborations between Singapore and Indonesia and promote an exchange of talents.”

With the star-studded cast, a modern storyline and a witty script, the drama, targetting at the sophisticated and contemporary viewers, is set to become the next top-rating hit. Alya will telecast on JakTV, a terrestrial station that targets PMEBs in Jakarta.

Dr Christopher Chia, Chief Executive Officer of the MDA said, ""It is encouraging to know that Singapore production companies are increasingly engaging in more co-productions with the regional players. Alya is yet another example of Singapore production companies' efforts to work with partners around the region to bring to discerning international viewers high-quality and entertaining dramas. This co-production can potentially reach out to all the Malay-speaking communities globally. With this collaboration, we want to position Singapore, with its unique multi-cultural and multi-ethnic mix, coupled with a cosmopolitan outlook, as the choice Asian partner for such co-productions.

Said Chan Pei Ling, Senior Producer of Upside Down Concepts and creator of Alya. “Alya embodies the working women of today. The inspiration came from the real life accounts of a few of my girlfriends, who have taken age in their stride despite demanding commitments of family, romantic relationships and career, and eventually found themselves.”

The programme is jointly marketed in Indonesia by JakTV and PT Upside Down Indo, a branch of Upside Down Concepts. Several television stations in Indonesia and Singapore have already expressed interest in acquiring the programme.

For more information, please contact:
Upside Down Concepts Pte Ltd
Mr CK Chan
22 Petain Road
Singapore 208095
Tel: +65 6391 1954
Fax: +65 6398 1707

Media Development Authority of Singapore
Ms Casey Chang
Asst Director, Corporate &Marketing Communications
Communications Division
Tel: (65) 6837 9344
Mobile : (65) 9767 9110

Ms Yvonne Poh
Asst Manager, Corporate &Marketing Communications
Communications Division
Tel: (65) 683 79894
Fax: (65) 6336 4142