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Singapore Signs Co-Production Agreement With New Zealand


Singapore and New Zealand today signed an agreement that will pave the way for the creative minds of both countries to work together on film, TV, animation and other media projects.

Already, the agreement - inked between Singapore's Media Development Authority (MDA) and the New Zealand Film Commission - has borne first fruits: a 3D animation TV project that brings together top creative talents from both countries.

Other projects are expected to follow in the wake of the co-production agreement, which facilitates and encourages collaboration among Singaporean and New Zealand media companies.

The first Asian country to sign such an agreement with New Zealand, the co-operation will allow film, TV, animation and special effects companies in Singapore to tap their New Zealand counterparts' know-how, nurture talent and develop the local industry through skills training and development.

Additionally, the co-production agreement will allow companies from both countries to pool resources, share risks as well as revenues, and create a larger distribution network for quality exportable content.

The agreement, said Singapore's Trade and Industry Minister George Yeo, signifies the commitment by both countries to collaborate and develop their growing media sectors. Mr Yeo had signed the co-production bilateral on Singapore's behalf, while New Zealand was represented by its Trade Negotiations Minister, Mr Jim Sutton.

New Zealand's dynamic film, TV and multimedia industry has produced numerous blockbuster films, noted Mr Yeo. "I am delighted that Singapore is the first Asian country to sign a Co-production Agreement with New Zealand.

"New Zealand's media industry has seen an impressive growth that was further fuelled by the production of the phenomenally successful Lord of the Rings trilogy. There is great potential for Singapore and New Zealand to work together to synergise our media assets and expand overseas. In the long run, such co-productions between Singapore and New Zealand also take us a step closer to our aim of establishing Singapore as a media city."

The MDA's chairman, Dr Tan Chin Nam, who was present at the signing ceremony, said the partnership that was struck by the two countries' media promotion agencies laid the foundation for further initiatives involving private sector companies, such as the 3D animation project between Singapore's Big Communications and New Zealand's Flux Animation Studio. Both companies today signed a deal for the production of Master Raindrop, an animation TV project.

"This animation project represents a crucial step in co-production between Singapore and New Zealand. The media industry of Singapore looks forward to more and bigger international co-production ventures with its New Zealand counterparts. Singapore media companies have much to offer, even as they will surely stand to gain from partnering some of the world's best creative minds in New Zealand to produce what I believe will be very alluring and captivating media content of the highest quality," Dr Tan added.

The New Zealand Trade Commissioner to Singapore, Mr Robert Skinner hailed the co-production agreement as "a significant and exciting step in the development of a long-term partnership between the creative sectors in New Zealand and Singapore.

"Singapore provides New Zealand producers a new reservoir of human and financial resources, in addition to hosting some of the most prestigious global networks including Discovery Channel, National Geographic and MTV. Looking ahead, we have the potential to be a nimble, yet powerful force in developing cutting-edge content for the world through co-productions."

New Zealand currently has co-production agreements with five other countries: Australia, the UK, Canada, Italy and France. Singapore has similar arrangements with Japan and Canada. The latter partnership has already led to the completion of four bilateral television projects, for example Quiet Mind and Samurai-Behind the Blade.

The momentum generated by the Singapore-New Zealand partnership will also extend to this year's Asia Media Festival, to be held in Singapore in December 2004, during which the MDA and New Zealand Trade &Enterprise will jointly host various events.

For media queries, please contact :

Media Development Authority
Sharanjit Kaur
Corporate and Marketing Communications Manager
Communications Division
Fax: 6336 4142 ;Website :

New Zealand Trade and Enterprise - Singapore
Robert Skinner
Trade Commissioner - Singapore
Fax: 65 6732 5595 ;Website :