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Singapore Gears Up for Cyber Security


A major effort is under way to secure the infocomm environment that will help Singapore to realise its vision of a connected society where infocomm technology will enhance the quality of how we work, learn and play. The Government will spearhead a national effort to maintain a secure infocomm environment for the government, businesses and individuals, and defend Singapore's critical infrastructure from cyber attacks. This is in response to cyber threats such as hacking, virus attacks and cyber terrorism. 

Three-year Infocomm Security Masterplan Unveiled

A major effort is under way to secure the infocomm environment that will help Singapore to realise its vision of a connected society where infocomm technology will enhance the quality of how we work, learn and play. The Government will spearhead a national effort to maintain a secure infocomm environment for the government, businesses and individuals, and defend Singapore's critical infrastructure from cyber attacks. This is in response to cyber threats such as hacking, virus attacks and cyber terrorism.

Announcing the three-year Infocomm Security Masterplan today, Deputy Prime Minister Dr Tony Tan said, "We cannot afford to treat the threats from cyber terrorists, cyber criminals and irresponsible hackers lightly." He added that as Singapore's economy would continue to rely heavily on infocomm technology, securing the infocomm environment would be critical. The Government would thus set aside S$38 million over the next three years to build capabilities in managing cyber threats and enhancing cyberspace security.

Dr Tan was speaking at the Infocomm Security Seminar organised by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA). Attended by more than 500 public and private sector participants, the seminar focused on the insights and strategies on securing the cyberspace.

Infocomm Security Masterplan

The Masterplan was developed through a multi-agency effort led by IDA under the guidance of the National Infocomm Security Committee (NISC), chaired by Mr Peter Ho, Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs and National Security & Intelligence Coordination. Feedback and inputs were given by companies and government agencies through surveys and focus group discussions. One key concern is the lack of experienced professionals in infocomm security. The businesses have difficulty formulating and complying with IT security policies and best practices as they lack the necessary expertise and experience. There is generally poor awareness among their employees on the importance of infocomm security and the measures that are required.

To be implemented by IDA, the Masterplan outlines six strategies to protect Singapore's infocomm environment. The first three strategies are to secure the people, private and public sectors respectively. This involves raising awareness amongst internet users and businesses about risks and cyber threats as well as appropriate security measures.

In helping to secure these three sectors, one key project in the pipeline is the National Authentication Infrastructure that will aim to develop reliable and robust means of authentication for users of online transactions. Another key project for the public sector is the Business Continuity Readiness Assessment Framework that will be designed to measure the effectiveness of business continuity plans of government agencies.

In addition to securing the people, private and public sectors, the Masterplan also outlines strategies to develop national capabilities, enhance security technology research and development, and improve the resilience of critical infocomm infrastructure. For example, one important national capability is the availability of skilled manpower for infocomm security. To defend against cyber attacks, a National Cyber-threat Monitoring Centre will be set up to maintain round-the-clock vigilance and analyse threat information. An Infocomm Vulnerability Study of National Critical Infrastructures will also be conducted to assess the infocomm security readiness of our key economic sectors and the measures required to provide greater security. (See Annex below for more information on the Infocomm Security Masterplan.)

Collaborative Effort Required to Combat Cyber Threats

At the Infocomm Security Seminar, in presenting details of the Masterplan, Mr Peter Ho, Chairman of NISC, said "... our networked infrastructure has become increasingly inter-dependent and inter-connected. A cyber security incident in one organisation could very likely have a ripple effect across other infrastructures and systems." He thus called on the government, industry and people to join hands to combat threats in the cyberspace. While the government looks at issues of national security importance, the infocomm industry can lend its expertise and experience to develop the necessary services and solutions for the Masterplan projects. He also encouraged the individual infocomm user to be vigilant and keep up to date with safe infocomm practices.


About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is committed to growing Singapore into a dynamic global infocomm hub. IDA uses an integrated approach to developing infocommunications in Singapore. This involves nurturing a competitive telecoms market as well as a conducive business environment with programmes and schemes for both local and international companies. For more information, visit

About National Infocomm Security Committee (NISC)

The National Infocomm Security Committee is set up to formulate policies and strategic direction for cyber security at the national level. It is chaired by Mr Peter Ho, Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs and National Security & Intelligence Coordination. It comprises representatives from Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Information, Communication and the Arts, Ministry of Finance, DSO National Labs, and Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA). IDA is the Secretariat to the Committee.

For media clarification, please contact:

Serene Tan (Ms)
Manager, Corporate and Marketing Communication Division
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
DID: +65 6211 1168


Infocomm Security Masterplan

Given the pervasive use of infocomm technology in our society, businesses and government, there is a need to enhance the security of our infocomm environment. While there are security measures currently in place, there is a need to manage cyber threats such as hacking, virus attacks and cyber terrorism in a more holistic and concerted manner. The Infocomm Security Masterplan ("Masterplan") is therefore developed for this purpose.

The Masterplan is a three-year strategic roadmap (FY2005 - FY2007) that guides Singapore's national level efforts to protect the country against external and internal cyber threats. It focuses on further developing Singapore's infocomm security capabilities while improving upon current efforts to prevent, detect and respond to cyber threats. It charts the directions and key strategies as well as programmes that will strengthen the resiliency and robustness of Singapore's infocomm infrastructure as well as raise the overall infocomm security of our country.

The objectives of the Masterplan are as follows:

a. Defend Singapore's critical infrastructure from cyber attacks
b. Maintain a secure infocomm environment for the government, businesses and individuals

Infocomm Security Masterplan Framework

The Infocomm Security Masterplan is holistic in addressing Singapore's infocomm security needs and concerns through the perspectives of three main constituents:

a. People Sector
b. Private Sector
c. Public Sector

The Masterplan is characterised by six critical areas, three of which focus on the constituents and the others represent thrusts to enhance local infocomm security capabilities and develop new skills and competencies.

The six critical areas of the framework form the six strategies of the Infocomm Security Masterplan:

a. Securing the People Sector
b. Securing the Private Sector
c. Securing the Public Sector
d. Developing National Capability
e. Cultivating Technology and R&D
f. Securing National Infrastructure

Infocomm Security Masterplan - Pictorial Representation of the Masterplan Framework

Key Capabilities of the Masterplan

In implementing the above strategies, the Masterplan will build on the current best practices in cyber security adopted by government and businesses for infocomm security. Given that cyber threats today can strike anyone, anywhere and anytime, there is a need to build new capabilities and strengthen the infocomm environment in the following areas:

a. Information protection assurance and risk mitigation measures. This includes risk assessment, vulnerability analysis and reduction, authentication and technology assessment.

b. Enhanced situational awareness and contingency planning assurance. This includes round-the-clock vigilance and business continuity preparedness.

c. Human and intellectual capital development. This includes cyber security awareness of Internet users, the development of professional skills and the promotion of research & development in infocomm security.


Enhancing the infocomm security, resilience and preparedness of the nation is a journey without end. This Masterplan is major step forward in that journey. As technology will evolve and develop, the infocomm environment and the threats that it faces are ever changing. The government, businesses and individuals will have to join hands in this journey to ensure a secure infocomm environment, to help Singapore realise her vision of a connected society where infocomm technology will enhance the quality of how we work, learn and play.

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