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How will Technology Shape Our Lives in 10 Years' Time?


Organisers of the Express IT! iN2015 competition have seen more than their fair share of creative ideas on how infocomm technology will help us work, learn or play in the year 2015. Some 700 (count: 669 on July 7) people have ... 

Hundreds of Submissions Received

Organisers of the Express IT! iN2015 competition have seen more than their fair share of creative ideas on how infocomm technology will help us work, learn or play in the year 2015. Some 700 (count: 669 on July 7) people have already submitted their views. Upon the request of schools, the organisers have extended the deadline to July 22, 2005.

As it is a multiple-format competition, entries received so far have included essays, drawings, multimedia creations, digital photographs, and even poems. The ideas were also not lacking in variety, as organisers saw everything ranging from the conventional to the 'out-of-this-world'.

The "Express IT! iN2015: How infocomm helps me work, learn and play?" competition is jointly organised by Singapore's Infocomm Development Authority (IDA), Singapore Computer Society and Singapore infocomm Technology Federation. It is also supported by the Ministry of Education and Singapore Press Holdings Digital Life weekly technology newspaper.

"It is wonderful to see the public visualising and expressing how they think infocomm technology can help in their future lifestyle. The Express IT! iN2015 gives us an opportunity to better understand peoples wishes and needs. Once the entries from schools and pre-university students are received, we will have an even broader spectrum of views from all age groups," said Mr Khoong Hock Yun, Assistant Chief Executive, Industry Development Group, IDA Singapore.

The Express IT! iN2015 encourages contestants to express their visions in various formats - written essays and poems, drawings or illustrations, digital photographs, digital video or multimedia creations, and even songs or audio narrations.

The competition consists of Primary, Secondary & Pre-university and Open categories to reach out to the masses. Winners stand to receive prize moneys of up to S$8,000. Schools of winning student entries will also receive cash prizes.

For IDA, the Express IT! iN2015 competition serves as an avenue to gain input from the public for its Intelligent Nation 2015 (iN2015) Master Plan, a new Master Plan to take Singapore beyond the present "Connected Singapore" blueprint to the year 2015. IDA is also working with key economic sectors, research institutes and civic organisations to identify opportunities for Singapore arising from the possibilities created by new innovations in the fields of computing, communications and sentient technologies, enabled by the confluence of info, nano and bio-technologies.



About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is committed to growing Singapore into a dynamic global infocomm hub. IDA uses an integrated approach to developing infocommunications in Singapore. This involves nurturing a competitive telecoms market as well as a conducive business environment with programmes and schemes for both local and international companies. For more information, visit

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