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Government and Industry to Groom Top Infocomm Students with the National Infocomm Scholarship


Hard work and sleepless nights eventually paid off for 20 bright infocomm students when they received the National Infocomm Scholarship (NIS) today. Currently in its second year, the NIS is an initiative of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) ...

Hard work and sleepless nights eventually paid off for 20 bright infocomm students when they received the National Infocomm Scholarship (NIS) today.

Currently in its second year, the NIS is an initiative of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) supported by the Singapore Infocomm Technology Federation (SiTF) and the Singapore Computer Society (SCS). It aims to ensure that the infocomm industry continues to attract the best and brightest talent to drive future growth and to groom a pool of future leaders to contribute to Singapore's continued competitiveness in infocomm.

The NIS is run in partnership with leading infocomm companies in Singapore. This makes the scholarship unique and special as it is the only government - industry scholarship that allows the scholars to be nurtured by leading infocomm companies during their course of study and attachment. Applications are invited from the top Junior College, Polytechnic and University students and the scholars are selected jointly by IDA and the sponsoring companies.

Scholars will be given the opportunity to do a six-month attachment and mentorship with their sponsoring infocomm company at their overseas offices or research facilities in the final year of undergraduate study. These industry-sponsored attachments will give the students wider exposure, international working experience and industry guidance even before they graduate.

Mr Chan Yeng Kit, CEO, IDA said, "We are certainly privileged and happy to receive such strong support from established infocomm industry partners for the National Infocomm Scholarship to create industry-ready talent. Our partnership with them is important as it shows the commitment from the infocomm industry to build and nurture Singapore's infocomm future. The NIS scholars will receive solid industry grounding, exposure and skills that will eventually shape Singapore's infocomm landscape. It is certainly a win-win situation for all and I would like to encourage more companies to partner with us and groom our future infocomm leaders."

The NIS sponsors are leading local infocomm companies and MNCs, namely: Computer Associates Pte Ltd, Fujitsu Asia Pte Ltd, Frontline Solutions Pte Ltd, IBM Singapore Pte Ltd, Intel Technology Asia Pte Ltd, Microsoft Singapore Pte Ltd, NCS Pte Ltd, Oracle Corporation Singapore Pte Ltd and Singapore Computer Systems Ltd. These companies have partnered IDA in nurturing the best in infocomm talent as they recognise how the Scholarship can complement their own strategies in manpower development and human resource management.

This year saw a jump in the number of scholarship recipients to 20 (compared with 12 last year). The 20 NIS scholars this year are:

S/no Scholar's Name Sponsoring Company JC / Poly / Uni
1 Tay Kang Xun Computer Associates Pte Ltd Victoria JC
2 Lim Zhi Yuan Frontline Solutions Pte Ltd Hwa Chong JC
3 Lin Guan Rui Frontline Solutions Pte Ltd NTU - Computer Engineering
4 Png Shao Wei Frontline Solutions Pte Ltd Hwa Chong JC
5 Wang Guohong Frontline Solutions Pte Ltd NUS - Computing
6 Chung You Xiang  Fujitsu Asia Pte Ltd Ngee Ann Poly
7 Lin Rong Xiang Fujitsu Asia Pte Ltd NTU - Computer Engineering
8 Chia Kevin IBM Singapore Ptd Ltd Ngee Ann Poly
9 Lee Joo Guan Samuel IBM Singapore Pte Ltd Temasek Poly
10 Toh Wei Shen IBM Singapore Pte Ltd NTU - Computer 
11 Chiam Hui Ting Intel Technology Asia Pte Ltd Victoria JC
12 Marini Peter Pik Chiang Microsoft Singapore Ptd Ltd Hwa Chong JC
13 Tan Hong Wei Philip Microsoft Singapore Ptd Ltd NTU - Computer Engineering
14 Feng Anqiang Eric NCS Pte Ltd NUS - Computing
15 Tay Ee Jin Daniel NCS Pte Ltd Raffles JC
16 Zhang Wen Jie NCS Pte Ltd NUS - Computing
17 Chua Lu Sien Oracle Corporation Singapore Ptd Ltd Raffles JC
18 Chen Jiayang Singapore Computer Systems Hwa Chong JC
19 Leong Wei Lun Kelvin Singapore Computer Systems Temasek Poly
20 Wang Mo Singapore Computer Systems Ngee Ann Poly


For these students, it is not just their love of infocomm or an attachment with infocomm's biggest names that prompted them to aim for the scholarship. For some, it was the love for their parents and family that prompted them to use infocomm as a ticket to a better brighter future. (Please see Annex A for more details)

Mr Chan Yeng Kit congratulated the 20 scholars on their achievement. "I am happy to see that these students appreciate and know the true value of having not just a scholarship, but an infocomm scholarship. Infocomm has the power to make a difference in people's lives. And together with their academic skills and overseas attachment, this scholarship will give these students that added edge to be the best person on the job because of infocomm. I wish them all the best in their future endeavours".


About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is committed to growing Singapore into a dynamic global infocomm hub. IDA uses an integrated approach to developing infocommunications in Singapore. This involves nurturing a competitive telecoms market as well as a conducive business environment with programmes and schemes for both local and international companies.

About the NIS Scholarship

IDA is targeting to offer an average of ten full scholarships per year to 1st year undergraduates, and an average of eight partial scholarships to final year students. A total budget of S$9 million has been set aside for the NIS programme. Industry partners will co-fund approximately 30% of the costs of each scholar and will also provide in-kind sponsorship in terms of overseas attachment places and mentorship to the scholars.

The scholarship is offered to Singaporeans and Permanent Residents wishing to study at the 3 local universities (i.e. NUS, NTU and SMU). It will cover tuition and exam fees as well as hostel fees, annual allowance, the cost of overseas attachment and an option for post graduate studies.

For students who take up the full scholarship, they are required to serve a 3-year bond with the partnering company. For students who are offered the partial scholarship, they will be required to serve a 1-year bond period.

For media clarification, please contact:

Simeon Cheok
Manager, Corporate and Marketing Communications
Tel : 6211 1726
Fax : 6211 2227
Email :  

Annex A

Profiles of some NIS Scholars

1) Ms Wang Mo (Singapore Computer Systems Ltd)
Hailing all the way from Shaanxi, China, Wang Mo faced one of the biggest turning points in her life five years ago when the admissions team from Ngee Ann Polytechnic went to her province in search of bright young talent to bring to Singapore. As an only child, and being offered the chance, she was torn between caring for her family and the opportunity of a better future. Eventually, she made the hard decision and came to Singapore. Now, 5 years on and having attained permanent residence, Wang Mo has matured into a strong and independent young lady whose determination allows her to dream of the day she is able to fulfil her duty as a filial daughter and bring her parents over to Singapore to lead a comfortable life.

Coming from a poor family makes Wang Mo appreciate the scholarship award immensely as it eases a tremendous amount of financial burden on her and her family in China, allowing her to set her heart and soul to aim for a first class honours degree in NTU. Throughout her time at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Wang Mo has excelled and made IT her specialty. One of her biggest achievements in her course of study was being selected to represent her Polytechnic for their first ever appearance at the internationally recognized 23rd All Japan Micromouse Competition held in Tokyo. Her team managed to clinch the 3rd prize that year and went on to score top honours at the same event the following year.

2) Mr Marini Peter Pik Chiang (Microsoft Singapore Pte Ltd)
Although he comes from a well-to-do family with both his parents being lawyers, Peter sees this scholarship as an opportunity to ease his parents' burden and allow his two younger siblings the chance of receiving a well rounded education in future. But he ultimately sees the scholarship award as having the potential to open up and pave a way for a bright future in the infocomm industry. In fact, it was the chance of being able to work with one of the scholarship partners, Microsoft Singapore, that lured him to apply for the scholarship.

A consistent worker, Peter has been a straight-A student since his 'O' level days. Furthermore, he is a passionate sportsman whose determination and dedication in life can be clearly demonstrated through his fervour for running. Peter excels in long distance and cross country running. He has clinched top honours in the sport many times including the National Colours award, West Zone Colours award and has even been selected to represent Singapore at the ASEAN Schools Track and Field meet where he achieved a highly coveted place on the medal standings with a bronze prize. A character who welcomes challenges, Peter also embraces the fast paced life and constantly changing society with a positive "can do" attitude, seeing it as a force to further himself and develop his creativity.

3) Lim Zhi Yuan (Frontline Solutions Pte Ltd)
Zhi Yuan comes from a humble family. His father supports the family of 5 with his income as a delivery man. He has an older brother who is currently pursuing his studies at Stanford University and a younger sister who works as an administrative assistant to supplement the household's income. Thus, this scholarship award meant a lot to Zhi Yuan and his family. Zhi Yuan strives to work hard and achieve success in the infocomm industry so that he can provide for his family.

Zhi Yuan possesses a deep passion for music and photography. He is intrigued by the piano and practices it daily. Learning to play the piano has taught him that only with practice will one's skill be perfected. His other dream is to master photography. Rather than taking a passive stand to his passion, he constantly searches for tips online and sets himself up on bi-weekly assignments with different themes to take pictures and shares them with friends for comment. Zhi Yuan ultimately hopes to create his own website and post his pictures online for the world to see.

4) Chiam Hui Ting (Intel Technology Asia Pte Ltd)
As an only child, Hui Ting has known since she was young that she would have to bear the sole responsibility of providing for her parents when they are old. She aims to have a successful career as an accomplished infocomm professional to provide her parents with an equally comfortable life that her parents had worked hard to give her. She also looks forward to having a family of her own with 3 or 4 children and dreams of travelling the world someday.

Besides studying hard, Hui Ting also plays hard. Since her secondary school days, she has been actively involved in music. Throughout her two years in her junior college's guitar ensemble, she has been a dynamic member and eventually become the section leader. With constant practice and sheer determination, she was able to attain the gold award at the prestigious Singapore Youth Festival in 2003. A self professed extrovert, she looks forward eagerly to a challenging career that will allow her to constantly interact with people from all walks of life. Hui Ting is a firm believer of being the product of your efforts and she aims to live her life without regrets.