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Push For Singapore Infocomm Companies In China


To help Singapore infocomm companies tap opportunities in the China market, the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and Singapore infocomm Technology Federation (SiTF) have jointly set up the Singapore Solutions Centre (SSC) in Shanghai. 

IDA and SiTF Set Up Singapore Solutions Centre in Shanghai

To help Singapore infocomm companies tap opportunities in the China market, the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and Singapore infocomm Technology Federation (SiTF) have jointly set up the Singapore Solutions Centre (SSC) in Shanghai. The SSC will serve as a one-stop centre for China companies and agencies that wish to find out more about the technologies, products and services that Singapore Infocomm companies can offer. It will also help to identify partnership opportunities for the companies of both countries to work together to deploy innovative IT solutions to meet the growing needs of the China market.

The SSC was officially launched in Shanghai today by Dr. Lee Boon Yang, Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts, in the presence of Mr. Fu Wenbiao, Deputy Director-General of the Shanghai Informatisation Commission on behalf of the Shanghai Municipal Government. Speaking at the launch today, Dr. Lee Boon Yang said that "Leveraging on the strong government and economic ties and the deep cultural rapport between Singapore and China, we can catalyse more opportunities for collaboration between Chinese and Singapore companies."

As part of IDA's clustering strategy for helping Infocomm companies overseas, the SSC would showcase companies who are behind successful IT projects in sectors such as Transport, Logistics, Financial Services and Healthcare. These are also the four key growth sectors in China today. The SSC will feature a cluster of companies in each sector that can offer a complete suite of vertical solutions for potential customers. Each cluster will be led by a company with an established track record of doing business in China and this cluster leader will help its members to work in the China market. For a start, 19 companies have signed up as members of SSC, and the cluster leaders include Singapore Computer Systems, NCS Yu Bo, IPACS and Stratech Systems (See Annex A for list of SSC members.)

The SSC is off to a good start with the Healthcare cluster leader, Singapore Computer Systems, and its cluster member, EGIS Healthcare Technologies, clinching a contract worth more than S$2 million with Beijing Tongren Hospital. Singapore Computer Systems will help Tongren deploy a fully integrated hospital information and management system for its new hospital wing. Over the next three years, SSC also hopes to achieve S$37 million export revenue.

To allow China companies and agencies to experience Singapore technologies and solutions first hand, the SSC will house a permanent "Solutions Showcase". This is an interactive showcase of IT solutions in the four clusters as well as other innovative Singapore's technologies. Among the first to be featured are technologies from Creative Technology, AXS Infocomm and ST LogiTrack.

"The Singapore Solutions Centre represents a major milestone in SiTF's efforts to help our home-grown infocomm companies regionalise," said SiTF Chairman Saw Ken Wye. "In addition to SITF's efforts in bringing business missions to China and the rest of the region, the SSC forms a strategic beachhead through which SiTF member companies can more effectively source opportunities and establish a local presence in China. The SSC also plays a strategic role in building the 'Made-in-Singapore' branding of our local infocomm solutions in the international market," he added.

The SSC will be managed by a full-time director in Shanghai and its operations co-funded by IDA and SiTF. Each cluster of companies within the SSC will also have a full time Business Development Manager to help the companies in identifying business opportunities within these four specific sectors.

In addition to the SSC, companies can also tap on IDA China office1 for assistance within the China market. Established since 2002, the IDA China office has been helping to facilitate infocomm collaborations between Singaporean and Chinese companies, and establishing the role of a government-to-government interface in the Infocomm arena. Through its Overseas Development Programme2 and funding schemes such as Market Development3, IDA will also provide assistance to the SSC cluster members to support their activities in China. Besides this, IE Singapore is supportive of this initiative and is funding two of the clusters through the iPartners Programme. SSC cluster members can also tap on the IE Singapore's network of overseas offices in China.

Companies interested in joining the SSC can contact SiTF at Tel: +65 6325 9700. Those interested in IDA's assistance schemes can contact


Notes to Editor:

1The IDA China office is also the Infocomm Section under the Consulate-General of the Republic of Singapore in Shanghai.

2Overseas Development Programme (ODP) is a key platform to forge win-win partnerships between Singapore-based Infocomm Local Enterprises (iLEs) and leading Singapore Companies/Infocomm Multi-National Corporations (MNCs). The aim is to prepare iLEs to be globally competitive and increase their presence in growing markets outside Singapore. Through ODP, it will further enhance iLEs' overseas market position through direct access to leading MNCs/Singapore Companies' R&D resources, and global business opportunities and networks in their own countries.

3 Market Development (MADE) is a funding scheme that supports market research and marketing activities in emerging infocomm technologies such as wireless, broadband, web services and digital media.

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) develops, promotes and regulates info-communications in Singapore, with the aim of establishing Singapore as one of the world's premier infocomm capitals. To nurture an internationally competitive infocomm industry, IDA offers a comprehensive range of programmes and schemes for both local and international companies. For more information, visit

About Singapore infocomm Technology Federation

The Singapore infocomm Technology Federation (SiTF) is Singapore's premier infocomm trade industry association. It brings together more than 600 corporate members from MNCs and local companies, which together account for over 80% of industry revenues, and assists them in business development, market intelligence, overseas trade missions, networking and alliances. For more information on SiTF, please visit

For media clarification, please contact:

Ms Dulcie Chan
Assistant Director, Corporate Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Tel: +65 6211 1999
Fax: +65 6211 2227

Mr Abdul Rahman
Maxinfo Communications (on behalf of SiTF)
Tel: +65 6829 7022

Annex A: Singapore Solutions Centre Clusters

Financial Services
1) NCB Yu Bo (Leader)
2) Automatic Identification Technology Pte Ltd
3) FairEx International Financial Systems
4) FOCUs5.NET Pte Ltd
5) NextVIEW Pte Ltd
6) System Access Pte Ltd

1) Singapore Computer Systems Limited (Leader)
2) EGIS Healthcare Technologies Pte Ltd
3) Medimedia Asia Pte Ltd
4) Sentient Health Pte Ltd
5) SQL View Pte Ltd

1) IPACS e-Solutions (S) Pte Ltd (Leader)
2) Boon Software Consulting Pte Ltd
3) Logipolis Pte Ltd
4) Silk Technologies Pte Ltd

1) Stratech Systems Limited (Leader)
2) Ademco (Far East) Pte Ltd
3) Ufinity Pte Ltd
4) Vislog Technology Pte Ltd