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IDA and Oracle Announce S$25 Million Initiative to Help Local Companies Lead in the Adoption of Enterprise Grid Technology


The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and Oracle Singapore today announced a S$25 million initiative on enterprise grid technology1. The collaboration, 'Enterprise-g @ Singapore', will help more than 30 local ... 

Strategic Collaboration Kicks-off Proof-of-Concept with Singapore Land Authority to Build Asia-Pacific's First Land Information Management System

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and Oracle Singapore today announced a S$25 million initiative on enterprise grid technology1. The collaboration, 'Enterprise-g @ Singapore', will help more than 30 local companies develop enterprise grid solutions and train some 300 Infocomm professionals. In addition, the collaboration will also establish other cluster projects in key verticals, such as manufacturing, transportation and healthcare. To achieve these goals, IDA and Oracle will set up a nerve centre, called the Enterprise-g Centre, to drive activities under the collaboration. The nerve centre also serves as a one-stop resource for vendors, enterprises and developers seeking to undertake enterprise grid development, software development, testing, integration, standards compliance and grid awareness activities. (See Annex 1)

Today, it is widely acknowledged that the use of grid technology in the research and education communities has been successful. This is mainly because grid technology makes it possible for users to enjoy huge computing power and data storage capacity. However, the use of grid technology in the enterprise space is relatively new. The three-year 'Enterprise-g @ Singapore' collaboration between IDA and Oracle therefore bridges this gap to bring grid technology from the research to the enterprise space.

"Technology can be the differentiator between winners and losers in today's competitive world. That is why companies increasingly embrace relevant technologies to stay ahead. Through the Enterprise-g @ Singapore collaboration, we encourage local companies to embrace grid technology to be competitive and achieve more with fewer resources. We also encourage local companies to develop innovative grid solutions and be part of the fast-growing grid industry that is expected to exceed US$12 billion in revenue by 20072," said Mrs Tan Ching Yee, Chief Executive Officer of IDA.

"Oracle is confident that in the next five to ten years, nearly all enterprises will deploy enterprise grids, which will become increasingly attractive as a business computing model," said Stanley Chew, Managing Director, Oracle Singapore. "Enterprise-g @ Singapore will expand and promote the capability of local industries to make use of enterprise grid technology for their businesses, enable them to significantly lower the cost of their computing, and give them a significant competitive advantage using enterprise grid technology, especially as their businesses grow and compete beyond Singapore."

IDA-Oracle Collaboration on First Grid Proof-of-Concept Project - Singapore Land Data Hub

Enterprise-g @ Singapore is off to a good start with the first Proof-of-Concept (POC) on Land Data Hub with the Singapore Land Authority (SLA). As a POC, the project is scoped to test the functionalities of enterprise grids. The Land Data Hub provides a relevant and appropriate user environment to test new technologies with partners beyond enterprise grids to include web services, geographical markup language (GML), Java and open standards.

The POC supports SLA's vision of an integrated Land Data Hub that manages real-time information among all location-dependent verticals of the economy in Singapore. Presently, the SLA manages land data information from a total of 14 key public and private sector agencies that do not offer real-time information exchange capability. The new Land Data Hub model riding on enterprise grid architecture allows agencies to receive updated real-time land data. It will also redefine the way government agencies share land data, as it will facilitate online exchanges of land data without the need for manual intervention. (See Annex 2)

"The Land Data Hub project with SLA is key to accelerating the adoption and capability development of enterprise grid technology by local companies. This POC is a real system and user reference project that will provide a platform to demonstrate and test the capabilities of enterprise grids in a land data intensive environment. When successfully implemented, this project can potentially lead to a production system with great commercial potential that can be exported beyond Singapore. This further reinforces Singapore as a digital living lab to champion new technologies, and as a launch pad for innovation into the region," added Mrs Tan Ching Yee.

At the press launch, the SLA presented a vision of the Land Data Hub powered by Oracle's enterprise grid technology together with partners Autodesk Asia and Sun Microsystems. A demonstration was created to show how, using a grid-enabled Land Data Hub, agencies may be able manage their business operations more effectively.

"The Singapore Land Authority is very pleased to be invited to be part of this exciting collaboration to position Singapore as a Digital Living Lab. Enterprise grid computing capabilities are potential solutions to meet Land Data Hub objectives for timely and real-time land data sharing. If successful, it would redefine the way agencies share land data, help deliver greater efficiencies at lower business costs. By collaborating with the private sectors, this may potentially bring about new businesses and services for the benefit of the public." said Mr Tan Kee Yong, Chief Executive, SLA.

"The move towards grid computing utilisation is vital to the enhancement of our industry and in setting trends within the region. Autodesk is delighted to collaborate with Singapore Land Authority in the development and support of this proof-of-concept project, which demonstrates our commitment towards enabling grid computing technology with our products," said Mr. Sivadas Ramadas, Strategic Accounts Director for South Asia Pacific, Autodesk Asia Pte Ltd. "Using an Internet-based integration platform, we can distribute instantaneous business-critical information to organizations utilizing land data hub, thus enabling faster, more informed decision-making and responses to changing business needs."

"Grid computing is the newest phase in network computing. Sun is pleased to be working with IDA and Oracle in this Proof-of-Concept project for Singapore Land Authority. Sun's expertise in grid computing can help optimize heterogeneous network computing and drive the growth of this new technology in Singapore," said Wong Heng Chew, Managing Director, Singapore, Sun Microsystems.


Notes to Editor:

1 Enterprise grid technology allows companies to access and use computing processing power off the Internet just as easily as electrical appliances consume electricity when plugged into the power grid. With enterprise grid technology, companies tap on the unused IT processing capacity of other organisations connected to the Grid to develop real-time applications that meet real-time business needs.

2 Source by IDC study in April 2004.

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) develops, promotes and regulates info-communications in Singapore, with the aim of establishing Singapore as one of the world's premier infocomm capitals. To nurture an internationally competitive infocomm industry, IDA offers a comprehensive range of programmes and schemes for both local and international companies. For more information, visit

About Oracle

Oracle is the world's largest enterprise software company. For more information about Oracle, visit our Web site at

For media clarification, please contact:

Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Jennifer Toh
Corporate & Marketing Communication
Tel: +65 6211 0508
Fax: +65 6211 2227

Ho Hwei Ling
Corporate & Marketing Communication
Te: +65 6211 1996
Fax : +65 6211 2227

Oracle Corporation Singapore
Lim Ee Guan
Tel: +65 6434 7985
Fax: +65 6339 6006

Singapore Land Authority
Dawn Low
Manager, Corporate Communications
Tel: +65 6323 4594>br> Email:

Annex 1

Enterprise-g @ Singapore
Enterprise-g @ Singapore is a joint S$25 million initiative between Oracle Singapore and the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore.

Partnership between IDA and Oracle is vital for success
In seeking to establish local enterprises as key contributors in the development of enterprise grid computing technologies and applications, both IDA and Oracle will work closely to nurture local IT application providers. This will enable them to gain leading edge technologies in developing enterprise grid applications, while IDA schemes such as the Infocomm Local Industry Upgrading Programme and Overseas Development Programme can be leveraged to promote enterprise grid development activities.

In addition, the collaboration will also contribute to manpower development, where local enterprises will be able to collaborate with institutes of higher learning to develop enterprise grid certification and courses. IDA-Oracle Infocomm Scholarships can be articulated in line with this manpower development effort, and Oracle can leverage IDA programmes, such as the Critical Infocomm Technology Resource Programme and Infocomm Training & Attachment Scheme to further develop capabilities in enterprise grid technologies.

Nerve Centre of Enterprise-g @ Singapore - the Enterprise-g Centre
Oracle and IDA have established the Enterprise-g Centre to be the nexus for all collaboration efforts and activities under Enterprise-g @ Singapore. The Enterprise-g Centre will basically serve as a resource for vendors, enterprises and developers seeking to undertake enterprise grid R&D, software development, testing, integration and promotion activities. The Enterprise-g Centre will be staffed by dedicated Oracle personnel trained on Oracle grid computing technologies. These personnel will be involved in the whole range of enterprise grid computing activities under Enterprise-g @ Singapore.

The Enterprise-g Centre will also serve as a vital link to both Oracle research & development facilities around the world, and grid standards bodies such as the Grid Global Forum, all for the benefit of expanding Singapore's enterprise grid ecosystem.

Annex 2

About Land Data Hub
The Singapore Land Data Hub (LDH), established in 1989 and administered by the Singapore Land Authority (SLA), is a multi-agency collaborative effort to establish a central repository of comprehensive and accurate digitised land data for sharing across the public service. These digitised land data include data on buildings, roads, utilities networks, urban planning, addresses, street directory and topographical maps.

Since its inception, LDH has over the years collated and integrated diverse land data from various government agencies. Many government agencies have benefited from this one stop centre for digitised land data. LDH has also facilitated the rapid development of crucial map-based Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in the Public Service. GIS is a software product that captures, analyses and manages digitised land data. LDH has laid the foundation for an effective standardisation and sharing of land data across government agencies.

LDH has also benefited the private sector. It has led to the development and delivery of many innovative products and services in the location-dependent industries, such as transport and logistics, real estate, mobile and wireless, urban planning, construction, civil engineering and environment and ecology.

LDH and Enterprise Grid architecture
The government agencies will adopt a new and an efficient way in sharing land data when LDH rides on the Enterprise Grid architecture. Currently, government agencies involved in capturing land data use various GIS software that result in non-standardised data format. As these non-standardised data format need to be translated into a standardised format for sharing, some information is lost in the process. Under the present system, updated data has to be identified and collated manually, and these updates are done every quarterly and shared via magnetic media, i.e. CD-rom and magnetic tape.

By riding on the Enterprise Grid architecture, LDH will be able to facilitate integration and provide complete and instantaneous delivery of land data, including updated data, across a heterogeneous network of hardware platforms, operating systems, data management systems and GIS environments.

The new LDH model which use 'open standards' (a standard that allows interoperability), will help enhance the usage of land data. The users in the public and private sector could also save cost through the use of shared GIS web services, a key feature in the new model.