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Twelve Promising Youth Awarded First National Infocomm Scholarships


A bright future in Infocomm beckons for twelve students awarded the first National Infocomm Scholarships. Handing out the awards today at opening of PACE (Promoting Accreditation Competency & Employability) 2004, the National ...

A bright future in Infocomm beckons for twelve students awarded the first National Infocomm Scholarships. Handing out the awards today at opening of PACE (Promoting Accreditation Competency & Employability) 2004, the National Infocomm Competency Centre's (NICC) annual industry event for training and certification was the Guest of Honour, Mr Yatiman Yusof, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Information, Communications and The Arts (MICA).

"This scholarship is unique in two ways," said Mr Yatiman. "First, it places a strong emphasis on industry attachment with the sponsoring Infocomm companies. This gives scholars exposure to real work situations and issues. Next, the scholars do not need to serve any bond with IDA so the Infocomm industry will benefit directly with the entry of these fresh talents."

The scholarship is offered to Singaporeans and Permanent Residents wishing to study infocomm courses at any of the three local universities. It will cover tuition and exam fees as well as hostel fees, an annual allowance, cost of overseas attachment and an option for post-graduate studies. Also included is a six-month attachment stint and mentorship with local companies or overseas offices or research facilities of MNCs. This occurs in the final year of study.

The twelve successful applicants are:
(1) Mr Toh Wee Kuang, who will be attached to Computer Associates Pte Ltd
(2) Ms Kwang Xue Yun, Geraldine, who will be attached to Microsoft Singapore Pte Ltd
(3) Ms Elaine Lor Seok Woon, who will be attached to Frontline Technologies Corporation Ltd
(4) Ms Chua Kaixin, who will be attached to Frontline Technologies Corporation Ltd
(5) Mr Tai Yu Heng, who will be attached to IBM Singapore Pte Ltd
(6) Mr Chan Haoran, Luther, who will be attached to IBM Singapore Pte Ltd
(7) Mr Lo Weng Chew, who will be attached to IBM Singapore Pte Ltd
(8) Mr Wei Dingyi, who will be attached to NCS Communications Engineering Pte Ltd
(9) Mr Toh Kok Soon, who will be attached to NCS Communications Engineering Pte Ltd
(10) Mr Wee Wing Kwong, who will be attached to NCS Communications Engineering Pte Ltd
(11) Mr Leong Qin Yan, who will be attached to Oracle Corporation Singapore Pte Ltd
(12) Ms Viridis Liew Mei Qi, who will be attached to Singapore Computer Systems Ltd

Please refer to Annex A for more information.

The National Infocomm Scholarship was open to applications following an announcement in Parliament in March 2004 and attracted about 200 applications. It was conceived to ensure that the local infocomm industry will continue to attract its fair share of top talents to drive & sustain future growth. A joint initiative with the industry, it aims to create 'industry-ready' scholars who can contribute to Singapore's continued competitiveness in Infocomm and encourage other students to make infocomm a top career choice.


About the National Infocomm Scholarship

Worth $10.5 million, the Scholarship will offer up to 90 scholarships over 5 years. IDA has set aside $9 million for the programme with industry partners contributing another $1.5 million.

The industry partners will co-fund an average of 20% of the costs for each scholar. Besides co-funding the tuition fees and allowance, they will provide mentorship and attachment places at overseas offices or research facilities. The National Infocomm Scholarship is offered in partnership with industry partners Computer Associates, Frontline Technologies Corporation, IBM Singapore, Microsoft Singapore, National Computer Systems, Oracle Corporation Singapore and Singapore Computer Systems.

Students who take up the full scholarship are required to serve a 3-year bond with the sponsoring organisation subject to the latter's first right of refusal. Final-year students on the partial scholarship are only required to serve a 1-year bond. Scholars who break the bond will be liable for liquidated damages to IDA and the sponsoring organization, and may be publicly named. Following completion of undergraduate studies, scholars may also be offered the opportunity to pursue postgraduate studies subject to the decision of IDA and the sponsoring company.

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is committed to growing Singapore into a dynamic global infocomm hub. IDA uses an integrated approach to developing infocommunications in Singapore. This involves nurturing a competitive telecoms market as well as a conducive business environment with programmes and schemes for both local and international companies.

For media clarification, please contact:

Mr Kelvin Lee
Manager, Corporate & Marketing Communication
Tel : +65 62111726
Fax : +65 62112227

Annex A:Profiles of selected NIS Scholars

Ms Viridis Liew Mei Qi (Singapore Computer Systems Ltd)
Viridis Liew is a student in the NUS School of Computing majoring in Computer Science. Formerly a graduate of Nanyang Polytechnic, she was President of the School of Information and Technology club for 2002/03. She is currently also a member of the Singapore Computer Society Student Chapter.

Viridis participated in and won a gold medal at the WorldSkills Singapore 2004 competition in the area of IT-PC Network Support. She is currently on a one year absence from study preparing to represent Singapore at the 38th WorldSkills Competition in Helsinki, Finland to be held in May 2005. The WorldSkills Competition is a biennial skills talent showcase for youths to showcase their talents in technical IT skills.

She believes that a career in Infocomm cannot be built from knowing technical skills alone. It must be complemented by soft-skills to be effectively used in society. She hopes to participate in overseas student exchange programs to broaden her exposure, and believes that someday, technology can be the unspoken language that brings people in different societies together.

Mr Chan Haoran, Luther (IBM Singapore Pte Ltd)
While in primary school, Luther Chan wrote his first computer program at the tender age of 11. It was the start of a journey driven by a passion for computers and programming. While in National Service at the School of Combat Engineers, he conceptualized the idea of modifying an inexpensive and easily available PC game called Operation Flashpoint for use in training soldiers. Trainees can practice the actual drills used before attempting them in the field. This project sparked international interest and presentations were made to high-ranking military officers from the armies of Brunei, Thailand, Australian and France. It was also featured in a documentary created by the British Forces Broadcasting Services.

His other interest is music, and he has been involved in various guitar festivals and with various choral ensembles, winning medals between 1998 and 2001.

Formerly a student of Raffles Junior college, Luther Chan recently commenced his studies in Computer Science at the NUS School of Computing.

Ms Elaine Lor Seok Woon (Frontline Technologies Corporation Ltd)
Despite stellar grades, Elaine has chosen a less conventional path to a university education by first obtaining a polytechnic diploma, driven by her interest in Multimedia Technology.

Her dream is to use technology to build better and more creative communications systems for the public. She hopes to improve web and computer applications by injecting more creative elements as to make them more appealing and intuitive, yet at the same time more efficient.

She believes that there is more to life than building a successful career, and besides having been a professional musician, has also participated in community service to the less fortunate and the handicapped.