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SingTel's Reference Interconnection Offer Remains Valid for Another Three Years


Singapore Telecommunications Limited's (SingTel) Reference Interconnection Offer (RIO)1 will remain valid for another three years from 29 September 2003. The prices, terms and conditions of the services offered under RIO will be reviewed during this three-year period, after IDA has completed its first triennial review of the Telecom Competition Code (Code) ... 

Singapore Telecommunications Limited's (SingTel) Reference Interconnection Offer (RIO)1 will remain valid for another three years from 29 September 2003. The prices, terms and conditions of the services offered under RIO will be reviewed during this three-year period, after IDA has completed its first triennial review of the Telecom Competition Code (Code).

During the public consultation to review SingTel's RIO2 issued on 18 June 2003, IDA received comments that since the Code is due for its triennial review, any review of SingTel's RIO should only take place after IDA has reviewed SingTel's obligations under the Code. As many of the substantive comments received relate to SingTel's RIO obligations set out in the Code, amendments to SingTel's RIO can only be made after reviewing and amending the Code. Having considered these comments, IDA believes it will better serve the industry's interest if IDA concludes the first triennial review of the Code3 before completing the review of SingTel's RIO. We would like to thank the respondents for the comments received from the public consultation and will consider these comments together with the Code review. IDA expects to complete the RIO review by the second half of 2004. To ensure seamless interconnectivity among operators and to facilitate new entrants into the market, the SingTel RIO will stay valid for another three years.

With this decision for SingTel's RIO to remain valid for another three years, all RIO agreements signed with SingTel will continue to be in force and the prices, terms and conditions will remain valid until modified by IDA after the Code review. For new licensees that are interested to enter into RIO agreements with SingTel, the RIO will continue to be available for the next three years.


About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is a dynamic organisation with an integrated perspective to developing, promoting and regulating info-communications in Singapore. In the fast-changing and converging spheres of telecommunications, information and media technologies, IDA will be the catalyst for change and growth in Singapore's evolution into a vibrant global info-communications technology centre. For more information, visit

Notes to Editors:

1 The RIO sets out IDA-approved prices, terms and conditions for other telecom licensees to access SingTel's network. This includes Unbundled Network Elements such as SingTel's local loop and Essential Support Facilities such as co-location space in SingTel's exchanges and SingTel's lead-in ducts and manholes. This is required under the Code of Practice for Competition in the Provision of Telecommunication Services (Telecom Competition Code) that came into effect on 29 September 2000.

2 The objective of the review is to ensure that SingTel's RIO continues to be relevant to industry needs and licensees benefit from continued business certainties. Comments received from the public consultation are located on the IDA website (, under the sections "Policy & Regulation"/"Consultation Papers".

3 As part of IDA's first triennial Code review, IDA will be organizing a Regulatory Workshop on 7 October 2003 to discuss key regulatory trends and developments in the telecoms industry and share key proposed revisions to the Code with telecom industry players. A media advisory on details of this workshop will be sent to the media next week.

For media clarification, please contact:

Ms Jennifer Toh
Manager, Corporate Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Tel: 6211-0508
Fax: 6211-2227

Ms Dulcie Chan
Assistant Director, Corporate Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Tel: 6211-1999
Fax: 6211-2227