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A total of 26 successful consortia have been awarded to conduct trials of proposed solutions for a mobile workforce, or in wireless Java. Presenting letters of award at the launch of the Wireless Mobility Showcase this morning held at the Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza...

Singapore, 15 May 2002 | For Immediate Release

Trial of Solutions for a Mobile Workforce and for the Development of Wireless Java Announced at the Launch of the Wireless Mobility Showcase

A total of 26 successful consortia have been awarded to conduct trials of proposed solutions for a mobile workforce, or in wireless Java. Presenting letters of award at the launch of the Wireless Mobility Showcase this morning held at the Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza, was Chairman of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), Mr Lam Chuan Leong.

The successful consortia were selected from participants in the two most recent Calls for Collaborations that are part of the IDA's Wired With Wireless initiative. They were for the development of Mobile Workforce solutions and applications using J2ME-based wireless Java Technology.

Twenty awards were made to successful consortia for trials of solutions enabling a Mobile Workforce. These solutions take advantage of the mobility offered by wireless technologies for personal information management, sales force automation, field force automation, supply chain management, resource planning and remote monitoring. Through the adoption of such solutions, enterprises can gain competitive advantages in the form of faster decision making, productivity gains, cost savings, responsiveness to customer demand and visibility over the processes and operations. The total value of Mobile Workforce projects is $16million, of which the IDA will support up to $6.5million.

Six awards were made for trials in Wireless Java. The Wireless Java CFC seeks to encourage the development of innovative and commercially viable Java applications and services. Total value of Wireless Java is $1.8million, of which the IDA will contribute up to $700,000. This will coincide with the upcoming global introduction of Java-enabled devices is slated for third quarter, 2002.

More information is annexed at Annex A. The pilot trials for the various solutions are expected to make their debut over the course of the next 8 months.

Expansion of PATH initiative

Speaking at the event, Mr Khoong Hock Yun, Assistant Chief Executive for Infocomm Development, also outlined an expansion of the budget for the Pilot And Trial Hotspots (PATH) budget for wireless projects by $30million. This additional funding will continue support for projects under the successful Pilot and Trial Hotspots initiative (PATH) for wireless projects until March 2004.

The entire budget for all trials in promising emerging technologies under PATH is now S$78 million, up from a total of $48 million announced in November 2001.

"PATH was introduced last May to help Singapore-based companies achieve world-class excellence in wireless development by encouraging proof-of-concept and value of wireless applications and technologies," said Mr Khoong," Our next step for PATH will be to facilitate the integration of applications, platforms and devices to provide a seamless connectivity for everyone on the go, anywhere, any time, and on any device. Singapore is poised today to position itself as a living lab for wireless developments in Asia."

The Wireless Mobility Showcase

The Wireless Mobility Showcase is a three-day event at Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza and will unveil a slice of the wireless life for Singaporeans as 34 companies or organisations demonstrate their innovative mobile solutions.

The Showcase will also feature many exciting wireless lifestyle projects being developed in Singapore, many a direct result of the Wired With Wireless Programme. They cover all areas of life in Singapore, from wireless innovations in the home, to work and play.

These include a demonstration of Mobile Payment solution trials by two consortia, one led by National Computer Systems(NCS) and the other by Systems@Work. The two are part of four consortia supported by the IDA in the trial of Mobile Payments first announced in October 2001.

Visitors will also be able to enjoy wireless innovations that could make everyday chores easier and more efficient. Included are demonstrations of a school bus tracking system, mobile surfing at Wireless LAN caf? and the mobility library. Combined together, these applications are examples of a smoother integration between life and work. For instance, a working mother can send a business proposal via the Wireless LAN in a caf? while waiting for an appointment. When her handphone beeps a pre-designated tone, she also knows that her son has reached school safely.

On the workforce front, even more surprises await. For instance, hotel concierge service can be enhanced by "speed research", as wireless devices provide instantaneous information about restaurant and show reservations. Sales distributors can anticipate the needs of the neighbourhood grocery store and plan a stock replenishing visit before the shopkeeper even before a call is received.

Visitors are also invited to attend seminars and workshops by various wireless technology providers at the event.

The Wireless Mobility Showcase is open to both public and trade visitors from 10am to 7pm on May 15-16 and till 5pm on May 17.


About the Wired with Wireless Programme

Initiated by the IDA with the aim to jumpstart the development of wireless industry in Singapore and position Singapore as a living lab and business catalyst for wireless developments in Asia. The 'Wired With Wireless' programme is aimed at developing the entire wireless value chain - from infrastructure developers to access service providers, content creators and aggregators. It is a multi-pronged programme that will enable Singapore to have the best integrated wireline and wireless infrastructure for the seamless delivery of rich multimedia content, with focus on areas such as wireless multimedia, mobile commerce and location-based services.

About Pilot And Trial Hotspots (PATH)

PATH, first introduced in May 2001, is an industry development initiative that accelerates the development of innovative Infocomm infrastructure, applications and products. It facilitates this by supporting the trial and piloting of emerging Infocomm technologies and best-of-breed services.

About Call for Collaboration (CFC)

IDA's Wired With Wireless programme acknowledges the need for concerted efforts across the entire value chain to implement open, innovative and scalable wireless projects. Through a series of Call for Collaboration (CFC) to foster industry collaboration, solution needs are addressed in areas such as mobile payments, wireless Java, mobile enterprises, pervasive wireless access, wireless multimedia and location-based services and telematics. Participation is open to infrastructure developers, component and equipment manufacturers, service providers, system integrators, content creators and aggregators, etc. Details for the Pervasive Wireless Access CFC and the Wireless Tourism CFC are currently available at

For media clarification, please contact:

Elliza Rahim/Yang Sook Chin
Edelman PR Worldwide
Tel: +65 6733 1110 ext 223/ext 235

Kelvin Lee
Manager, Corporate Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Tel:+65 6211 1726
Fax: +65 6211 2227