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Assistive Technology 2001 Unveils Means to Empower People Living with Disabilities


Assistive Technology 2001 (AT 2001), a comprehensive showcase of products to empower the disabled community with the benefits of infocomm technology, was officially launched today by ...

Assistive Technology 2001 (AT 2001), a comprehensive showcase of products to empower the disabled community with the benefits of infocomm technology, was officially launched today by His Excellency, President S R Nathan.

A key event of e-Celebrations Singapore, AT 2001 is jointly organised by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and the National Council of Social Service (NCSS), with support from private and public sector partners. Featuring a wide range of assistive devices which people with disabilities can adopt for learning, leisure and employment, AT 2001 aims to empower the disabled community and enhance their quality of life through adoption of infocomm technology.

Assistive technology comprises devices that improve or maintain the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. On display at the exhibition are the latest assistive products from Singapore, Taiwan, UK and the US that can help people with disabilities overcome their constraints to enjoy the benefits of technology and the Internet. These products will benefit people who are visually impaired, speech and hearing impaired, physically disabled and developmentally delayed. Among the exhibits showcased are:

  • Augmentative communications products for the speech impaired;
  • Screen reader and speech synthesizer for the visually impaired;
  • Adapted input devices for people with physical disability;
  • Hearing aids and alert systems for the hearing impaired;
  • Interactive Learning Software for children with special needs;

Ms Yong Ying-I, Chief Executive Officer of the IDA said, "Assistive Technology 2001 seeks to bridge the digital divide amongst the disabled community in Singapore by providing an opportunity for them to learn about tools which will allow them to embrace technology as part of their lives.

"IDA's involvement in this event reflects our commitment to enhance the ability of the disabled community to leverage IT and the Internet to lead an independent lifestyle, " Miss Yong added.

AT 2001 is part of this year's e-Celebrations, which aim to catalyse the transition from awareness to adoption of an e-lifetyle by imparting the 4Es - e-Communications, e-Entertainment, e-Learning and e-Transactions, to all Singaporeans. The event organisers are hoping to reach out to 2,000 people with disabilities.

In addition, the exhibition would benefit 8000 care-givers, educators and potential employers who play a crucial role in helping people with disabilities adopt technology in their daily lives, education or employment.

As explained by Benedict Cheong, Chief Executive Officer of NCSS, "Assistive Technology 2001 is an excellent opportunity for care-givers as well as people with disabilities to discover new technologies for adopting an e-lifestyle. It forms an integral part of NCSS' vision to ensure that people with disabilities are not left behind in the digital revolution."


Note to Editor:

e-Celebrations Singapore features a series of events held over five weeks from 7 March-12 April, organised by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA). It aims to heighten the awareness of the benefits of an e-lifestyle in the areas of transactions, communications, learning and entertainment. A total of 110 events are organised under the e-Celebrations Singapore branding with 64 partners consisting of corporations, associations, community groups, tertiary institutions and the media.

For further information, please contact:

Adam KohChoong Cheng Theng or Ho Hwei-An 
Edelman Public Relations Worldwide
Tel: +65 6733-1110
Fax: +65 6733-5550
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