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Java Tarik III - A Wireless Technology Alliance


A Memorandum of Intent (MOI) was signed today between the Infocomm Development Authority Of Singapore (IDA), Sun Microsystems (Sun) and Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC) for the establishment of a Java Wireless Competency Centre (JWCC). The Centre will spearhead ... 

Memorandum of Intent signed to establish the first partnership under the Wireless Technology Alliance initative of the Wired With Wireless programme

A Memorandum of Intent (MOI) was signed today between the Infocomm Development Authority Of Singapore (IDA), Sun Microsystems (Sun) and Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC) for the establishment of a Java Wireless Competency Centre (JWCC). The Centre will spearhead the development of wireless technology, business applications, and nurture a new breed of world-class local enterprises. It further underscores the strategic intent of Singapore to become a premier location for Java development and a test bed for wireless development.

The MOI was jointly signed by Ms Yong Ying-I, Chief Executive for Infocomm Development at the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, Mr Lionel Lim, Vice President and Managing Director, Sun Microsystems, Asia South and Professor Chong Chit Tat, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, National University of Singapore. It is the first partnership under the Wireless Technology Alliance initiative, which is part of the Wired With Wireless programme.

This MOI will see collaboration between IDA, Sun and CWC in bringing Java Tarik to its next level - Java Tarik III. The establishment of the Singapore JWCC is a part of Java Tarik III and will give local wireless companies a headstart in tapping into the global wireless Internet economy.

"Singapore wants to be a living lab and business accelerator for wireless developments in Asia," said Ms Yong Ying-I, "This partnership to establish a Java Wireless Competency Centre will foster the sharing of technology, skills and best practices between Sun, The Centre for Wireless Communications and local wireless developers.

"This collaboration is one in the series of Sun Microsystems' Java Tarik programmes to create wealth and nurture talent in Singapore. We work with the government, R&D institutions to help Singapore enterprises to be even more competitive by developing and deploying cutting edge technology," said Lionel Lim, Vice President and Managing Director, Sun Microsystems, Asia South. "Java has been widely accepted as the de facto technology platform for wireless devices, including phones and PDA's, and the essential underlying service network infrastructure".

Professor Lye Kin Mun, Director of CWC concurred, "The JWCC will synergise the efforts of industry, university and government in the areas of ICT, manpower and capability development for Singapore. One of the benefits that we can look forward to in the not-too-distant-future is the enhancement of our local engineers' R&D skills, which will bring immediate value to our industry."

The JWCC initiative aims to position Singapore as a premier hub for wireless services and content in the Asia Pacific. The JWCC will be based and managed by the Centre for Wireless Communications. This is to tap on CWC's established wireless infrastructure, advanced R&D facilities and the technical expertise of its researchers. Open to wireless application providers and wireless service providers in Singapore, JWCC will assist them in piloting new and innovative services. The JWCC will form strategic alliances with wireless application providers and wireless service providers so as to provide focused assistance and industry development programs.

The initial focus of the JWCC will be as follows :

  • Provide programs for the testbedding of new wireless services for the building of compelling wireless applications.

  • Provide training and support so as to equip the local industry to deliver quality wireless applications and services on the network.

  • Provide wireless architecture consultancy and project development to jumpstart the development of new services.

  • Provide quality certification and branding of wireless service providers. The branding will signify qualilty of service and reliability. The SunTone program will be used as the basis for certification.

JWCC will collaborate with advance wireless centres set up by Sun in Europe and Asia Pacific to develop and deploy smart wireless infrastructure technology. Sun's vision for the wireless is to provide open, smart services. Based on open standards, these smart services will know the context of the user to make the service non-intrusive and highly compelling so that consumers will want them.

This new initiative further complements the Java Tarik programs which Sun and IDA Singapore have implemented over the last three years. The Java Tarik programmes comprises of the Java Resource Centre, ASP Centre, Asia Java Venture Fund, Java Manpower Development program and the Infocomm Local Industry Upgrading Program (iLIUP).


About the Wired With Wireless Programme

Initiated by the IDA with the aim to position Singapore as a living lab and business catalyst for wireless developments in Asia, the 'Wired With Wireless' programme promotes the development of mobile infrastructure, products and services. The three main areas of focus are location-based services, mobile commerce, and wireless multimedia.

The objective of the programme is to create a vibrant wireless industry and position Singapore as having the best integrated wireline and wireless infrastructure. This will be accomplished through seven strategic thrusts i.e. Thought leadership, Manpower Development, Infrastructure & Service/Product Development, Industry Adoption and Consumer Adoption.

About Java

Started as a programming language, Java has rapidly expanded to enable breakthrough usage for the corporate enterprise infrastructure and applications, wireless devices, mobile phones, playstations etc.

Today, Java is the platform of choice for developers as it enables end to end development of new wireless services across multiple device OS. Transition of e-services based on java to m-service will be seamless. The excitement and phenomenal adoption of Java centers on its ability to work on anything that has a digital heartbeat - computer chip.

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is a dynamic organisation with an integrated perspective to developing, promoting and regulating info-communications in Singapore. In the fast-changing and converging spheres of telecommunications, information and media technologies, IDA will be the catalyst for change and growth in Singapore's evolution into a vibrant global info-communications technology centre. For more information, please visit

About Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Since its inception in 1982, a singular vision -- The Network Is The Computer(TM) -- has propelled Sun Microsystems, Inc. (Nasdaq: SUNW), to its position as a leading provider of industrial-strength hardware, software and services that power the Internet and allow companies worldwide to take their businesses to the nth. With $19.2 billion in annual revenues, Sun can be found in more than 170 countries and on the World Wide Web at or the Asia South website at

For more information, please contact:

Kelvin Lee
Manager, Corporate Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Phone:+65 6211 1726

Kelly Long
Sun Microsystems, Asia-South
Phone: +65 6239-7092

Vivien Goh
Centre for Wireless Communications
Phone: +65 6872-9030