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IDA Appoints Ericsson as the First PATH Assessment Centre


The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) announced today its appointment of Ericsson Cyberlab Singapore as the first Assessment Centre to promote the development of the wireless industry through its Pilots And Trial Hotspots (PATH1) initiative...

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) announced today its appointment of Ericsson Cyberlab Singapore as the first Assessment Centre to promote the development of the wireless industry through its Pilots And Trial Hotspots (PATH1) initiative.

As a pioneering PATH Assessment Centre, It is Ericsson's aim to help stimulate a conducive environment to create Asia's very own wireless lab in Singapore. Ericsson Cyberlab's role is to evaluate wireless application trial proposals, submitted by developers & service providers, against guidelines set by IDA. These proposals will be assessed for technical soundness and commercial viability. Final approval will then be made by IDA, who will provide funding and support to assist developers or providers in conducting the trial. Where appropriate, Ericsson Cyberlab will also provide the needed technical support to this trial.

"Our appointment, as the first PATH Assessment Centre by IDA, is a recognition of Ericsson's leading market position in the Mobile Internet," said Mr Olof Haag, Vice President, Ericsson Asia Pacific Ltd. "Our participation as an Assessment Centre also attests to Ericsson's commitment to actively drive the growth of the Mobile Internet market. We will certainly continue to work with IDA and local mobile service developers to facilitate and accelerate the deployment of advanced mobile Internet applications, and hence, further contribute to the growth of Singapore as a premier regional infocomm hub."

"IDA is pleased that Ericsson shares our vision to transform Singapore into a living lab and business catalyst for wireless developments in Asia. Leveraging on Ericsson's technical and business expertise in the mobile industry, the Ericsson PATH Assessment Centre will help to streamline the assessment activities, encouraging a faster and wider deployment of wireless innovations in Singapore," said Mr Khoong Hock Yun, Assistant Chief Executive, IDA. "We believe that with Ericsson and other pioneering players in the PATH scheme trailblazing the use of this new collaborative framework, Singapore is definitely poised to be the business accelerator for wireless development in Asia."

As a PATH Assessment Centre, Ericsson Cyberlab will primarily focus on mobile applications, such as multimedia messaging, mobile commerce, mobile positioning, and various innovative applications that operate in wireless environment. This collaboration also allows application developers to tap on Ericsson's extensive expertise in mobile technologies and global business network, granting them:

  • information and insights on emerging mobile technologies and business trends
  • access to tools and terminals to facilitate application development
  • use of advanced test facilities to help verify the performance of the trial application
  • Leverage on Ericsson's wide business network, and market outstanding applications overseas, through Ericsson's international business network

Ericsson Cyberlab was established in Singapore in 1999, and there has been collaboration between Ericsson Cyberlab and IDA ever since.


Note to the Editor:

1 Established under IDA's Wired With Wireless programme, PATH aims to help Singapore-based companies to achieve world-class excellence in wireless developments by encouraging proof-of-concept and proof-of-value wireless applications and technologies.

About the Wired with Wireless Programme (IDA)

Initiated by the IDA with the aim to jumpstart the development of wireless industry in Singapore and position Singapore as a living lab and business catalyst for wireless developments in Asia. The 'Wired With Wireless' programme is aimed at developing the entire wireless value chain - from infrastructure developers to access service providers, content creators and aggregators. It is a multi-pronged programme that will enable Singapore to have the best integrated wireline and wireless infrastructure for the seamless delivery of rich multimedia content, with focus on areas such as wireless multimedia, mobile commerce and location-based services.

About Ericsson Cyberlab Singapore

Ericsson Cyberlab Singapore was first set up in 1999 to develop mobile terminals and applications for 3G and the mobile Internet. In particular, Cyberlab Singapore focused on Asia-centric applications such as Chinese handwriting recognition, speech to text and short message services (SMS).

Ericsson Cyberlab Singapore is the only terminal and advanced application research lab in Asia Pacific. Cyberlab has a powerful concept to offer developers a complete solution with all the right ingredients for success - competence of networks, application development and terminal support. Cyberlab enables developers to peek into the future of research and commercial application development all at one location.

Ericsson is shaping the future of Mobile and Broadband Internet communications through its continuous technology leadership. Providing innovative solutions in more than 140 countries, Ericsson is helping to create the most powerful communication companies in the world. Please visit Ericsson at:

For media clarification, please contact:

Ms Karen Chew
Ericsson Telecommunications Pte Ltd
Phone: (65) 880-8625

Ms Chia Sher Ling
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Phone:(65) 211-1840

Mr Kelvin Lee
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Phone: (65) 211-1726