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Launch of Malay Internet Steering Committee


The Malay Internet Steering Committee (MISC) has been established to promote the development and use of infocomm technology (ICT) among the Malay/Muslim community. Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Parliamentary Secretary, will head the 20-member committee for the Ministry of Communications and Information...

The Malay Internet Steering Committee (MISC) has been established to promote the development and use of infocomm technology (ICT) among the Malay/Muslim community. Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Parliamentary Secretary, will head the 20-member committee for the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT).

The MISC will be supported by a Panel of Advisors, comprising experts in Culture / Language, Technology and Commerce. In addition, the Committee will also report to Mr Abdullah Tarmugi, the Minister for Community Development & Sports and the Minister for Muslim Affairs.

Formed under the auspices of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), the committee's role is to advise IDA and MCIT in the areas of developing local Malay/Muslim Internet content and culture-based programmes, the promotion of e-commerce and Malay/Muslim Internet usage; and transforming Singapore into a global multilingual Internet hub. The MISC will also facilitate the bringing together of partners in content creation and public education projects. More details can be found in the attached Annex.

At the launch of the Technopreneurship Club on 5 May 2000 Mr Abdullah Tarmugi announced the formation of the MISC.

"The development of this Committee marks a significant development for the community", said Dr Yaacob. "We live in exciting times and we want to ensure that every individual within the community would be able to embrace infocomm technology and see it as a tool that would improve their quality of life", he added.

In addition to Malay/Muslim businesses and companies, the MISC would be reaching out to students and teachers, Malay/Muslim parents with young children and Malay/Muslim workers below the age of 40.

"This MISC initiative is in-line with the key thrusts of IDA's Culture Promotion Programme to get every Singaporean to enjoy the benefits of a "connected lifestyle" and to bridge the digital divide," said Mrs Pam Soh, Secretary to the MISC and Deputy Director of IDA's Culture Promotion Department.


Annex: Malay Internet Steering Committee (MISC)

Terms of Reference

  • To promote the use of e-commerce for Malay/Muslim companies/businesses and Malay/Muslim consumers
  • To facilitate Malay/Muslim content development and aggregation, including broadband content. (Indirectly promoting Singapore's competitive advantage as an Internet Hub).
  • To promote Malay/Muslim Internet usage and help the Malay/Muslim community to be Internet-savvy

The MISC will play both facilitative and advisory roles. In its facilitative role, the MISC will bring together partners in content creation and public education projects. In its advisory role, the MISC will counsel MCIT and IDA on the following areas:

  • Development of local Malay/Muslim Internet content and culture-based programmes
  • Public education and appreciation of the Internet. Promotion of Malay/Muslim Internet usage
  • Impact of the Internet in the information society
  • Trends in Asian language development in other countries
  • The ways to make Singapore a global multilingual Internet Hub

MISC's Target Audience

  • Pre-schoolers, Primary School, Secondary School and ITE students, Polytechnic, Junior College and University students, Madrasah students & their teachers
  • Malay/Muslim parents with young children
  • Malay/Muslim workers below 40