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Cisco Systems, IDA and SingTel Aeradio to Create Singapore's First Internet Home


Cisco Systems, Inc., the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and SingTel Aeradio are transforming a 4-room Housing Development Board (HDB) flat in Bishan into the country's first Internet Home. With the support of ASPnetcentre and a number of other organisations, the Internet Home will boast...

Cisco Systems, Inc., the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and SingTel Aeradio are transforming a 4-room Housing Development Board (HDB) flat in Bishan into the country's first Internet Home. With the support of ASPnetcentre and a number of other organisations, the Internet Home will boast always-on, broadband Internet access connecting nearly every household appliance and device in the flat.

Encompassing more than mere technology, the Internet Home aims to bring an entire ecosystem of community and personal services to the household at the touch of a screen. Living the 21st century e-lifestyle, Singapore's first Internet Home dweller will be able to:

- Adjust the air conditioning or lighting from outside the home;
- Hold face-to-face meetings using the video-conferencing facility in the home;
- Keep track of food items consumed using a scanner in the refrigerator and - use this information to put together a shopping list - to order groceries online to replenish the refrigerator;
- Access Town Council services and for example, make payment for HDB conservancy and car park fees without leaving the home;
- Make an appointment with the neighbourhood doctor over the Internet instead of over the phone;
- Control appliances around the house, for example, switch on the coffee machine remotely from the bedroom;
- See who's at the front door while watching TV with the help of a webcam overlooking the front door; and
- Book theatre tickets, access government services, check bank accounts or buy a new wardrobe of clothes from the comfort of the armchair.

"This will be the first Internet Home in Singapore. It is not a showflat or technology showcase but a real home for a Singaporean family. This is not the home of the future but the home of today, leveraging the best of Internet technologies and solutions and changing the way people live," said Mr. Bill Chang, Managing Director, Singapore, Cisco Systems.

"We are really pleased that Cisco Systems, SingTel Aeradio and the other industry partners are taking the lead in integrating their efforts to build an ecosystem where a broadband lifestyle will take off. With the Internet Home, we look forward to extending this initiative to produce whole products and services for every aspect of the e-lifestyle at home, work, school, and play," said Mr Khoong Hock Yun, Assistant Chief Executive for Infocomm Development at IDA.

"Although the Internet is virtual in nature, the first Internet home in Singapore is now a reality. This is the home that we all dream of living in - one where you can kick back and relax at the end of a long hard day, and let the intelligent systems do your work for you," said Ms Tan Kah Rhu, CEO of SingTel Aeradio.

"SingTel Aeradio is proud to be part of the team to make this possible. This is yet another example of SingTel's commitment to Singaporeans: to leverage on the vast expertise and skill sets of the entire SingTel Group to introduce creatively-packaged services that will enhance the quality of life of all Singaporeans."

On the surface, the Internet Home will look like any other HDB flat with no intimidating communication devices or electronic gadgets. The only visible pieces of technology are easy-to-use web panels powered by a computer system. A simple tap on the web panel and the Internet Home comes alive.

A significant benefit of the Internet Home is that it can be accessed remotely through the home's website, enabling the homeowner to monitor activities at home say, when children return from school, as well as control household equipment such as the air conditioner, cooker or washing machine.

"ASPnetcentre is developing the applications that will enable households to participate very easily in the Internet world. Some of these applications include online grocery shopping, community services and bill payment. We will continue to play our part in building a knowledge-based society in Singapore," said Mr Lim Hwee Leng, Managing Director, ASPnetcentre.

The Internet Home will be ready for occupation by September 2000. In addition to Cisco Systems, IDA, and SingTel Aeradio, the Internet Home is the collaborative effort of the following organisations :

- ASPnetcentre, which did the project management work;
- Hewlett-Packard which is supplying the web panels and computer systems;
- International Video Conferencing Center (IVCC) which is installing the Internet video-conferencing system.

The six companies have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to make the Internet Home a reality.


About Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO) is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. Cisco news and information are available at Asia Pacific news and information are available at

About SingTel Aeradio

SingTel Aeradio is a member of the SingTel Group. The principal activity of the company is to provide info-communication systems integration services and facilities management to the aviation industry and the commercial market, as well as telecommunication service providers.

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is a dynamic organisation with an integrated perspective to developing, promoting and regulating info-communications in Singapore. In the fast-changing and converging spheres of telecommunications, information and media technologies, IDA will be the catalyst for change and growth in Singapore's evolution into a vibrant global info-communications technology centre. For more information, please visit

Press contacts:

Mr William Oei
Cisco Systems
Tel: 65-68335555

Mr Clement Ng Shin Kiat
SingTel Aeradio
Tel: 65-66683318