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Multi-Pronged Approach to Develop Singapore's Infocomm Industry


IDA has mapped out strategies to develop Singapore's infocomm industry as the next major sector of growth. This was announced today by the Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Mr Yeo Cheow Tong, at the opening ceremony of Comdex Asia at Singapore Informatics 2000. 

IDA has mapped out strategies to develop Singapore's infocomm industry as the next major sector of growth. This was announced today by the Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Mr Yeo Cheow Tong, at the opening ceremony of Comdex Asia at Singapore Informatics 2000. He said, "In the new cyber-world, we want to position Singapore as a leading infocomm hub in the Asia-Pacific for telecommunications services, e-business transactions and distribution of digital goods and services."

The announcement today is the latest in a series of Infocomm 21 announcements made by the minister since January 2000. The first was on liberalisation of the telecoms market, followed by strategies to help Singaporeans go online and attracting infocomm manpower and talent.

Mr Yeo said the three strategies to develop Singapore into a dynamic and vibrant Infocomm Capital with a thriving and prosperous Internet economy include jumpstarting the Interactive Broadband Multimedia (IBBMM) industry, building new capabilities and leveraging on innovation in key growth areas, and fostering strategic partnerships and alliances overseas.

Strategy I - Jumpstarting the Interactive Broadband Multimedia (IBBMM) Industry

To enable Singapore to be the multimedia capital in this region, the Singapore Government is committed to creating a competitive environment where there are multiple players providing access to broadband services. IDA will review the broadband open access regulatory framework and the minimum quality of service framework for broadband access service providers to raise the overall technical performance.

To stimulate both demand for and supply of IBBMM content and services, a package of S$150 million has been set aside. On the demand side, the package will lower cost of equipment for infrastructure and hardware for broadband access. This will accelerate the take-up rate for broadband access by consumers and will encourage content and service providers to come onboard. Part of the package will also be used to co-share the costs for the provision of the International Leased Circuits (ILC) through the broadband infrastructure.

On the supply side, the IBBMM Content Hosting Scheme will be set up to attract content providers to host or hub their content in Singapore. IDA will also encourage the development of new media services such as wireless Internet and interactive TV.

In addition to the package, there is a major initiative to broadband-enable commercial buildings and industrial parks. This will create conducive cyber-precincts where start-ups or companies can immediately engage in IBBMM activities.

Strategy II - Building New Capabilities and Leveraging on Innovation in Key Growth Areas

To build new capabilities needed for the new Internet economy, IDA will continue to tap on the Innovation Development Scheme (IDS) to encourage development of innovative products and services in the key infocomm growth areas. The areas are e-commerce application software, e-commerce services, broadband applications, content hosting and development, mobile and wireless communications, mobile Internet services, and embedded software in information appliances and smart devices.

IDA will also expand the scope of the highly successful Infocomm Local Industry Upgrading Programme (iLiUP). The programme seeks to promote strategic, mutually beneficial partnership between MNCs and local infocomm companies. Together with the global technology players, IDA will involve partners such as venture capitalists, patent lawyers, and financial and business consultants.

IDA will facilitate the collaboration between industry players, the research institutions and the tertiary institutions. Such collaboration can be through setting up Competency Centres or conducting joint development projects on cutting-edge technologies.

Strategy III - Fostering Strategic Partnerships and Alliances Overseas

To help local companies expand into regional and global markets, IDA will foster strategic partnerships and alliances overseas. The focus is on two emerging regional markets; India and China. Besides the immense market potential, India and China are also great sources for original Asian content and Singapore is well positioned to translate, digitise and re-package the content for global consumption.

IDA has set up an office in Silicon Valley to tap into the latest buzz of the vibrant US infocomm sector. It will also help to identify new business opportunities, provide assistance to Singapore companies who wish to enter the US market, and facilitate tie-ups between US and Singapore companies.

For details on the above strategies, please refer to the factsheet on Infocomm Industry Development.

About Infocomm 21

Infocomm 21 is IDA's blueprint for harnessing information communication technologies for national competitiveness and improving our quality of life. The blueprint articulates the vision, goal and strategies that would facilitate the development of our infocomm industry over the next five years, and move Singapore into the ranks of 'first world economies' of the Net Age.

About IDA

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is a new statutory board formed on 1 December 1999 under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. Created as a result of the merger between the National Computer Board and the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore, the IDA will spearhead Singapore's drive to be a vital global info-communications centre, catalysing Singapore's transformation into a knowledge-based digital economy and society, in order to realise the benefits of the digital future.


For media clarification, please contact:

Ms Dulcie Chan Manager, Corporate Communication
Tel: +65 322 1999
Fax: +65 779 5340

Ms Jennifer Toh
Assistant Manager, Corporate Communication
Tel: +65 772 0508
Fax: +65 779 5340