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eCITIZEN CENTRE: A Citizen-Centric One-Stop Non-Stop Electronic Public Service Centre


eCitizen Centre ( is part of the Public Service's PS21 service improvement initiative. The project heralds a new era for the Singapore Public Service by changing the traditional way in which the public ...

"eCitizen Centre will provide one-stop on-line services and information to the public, organised according to important events in the lives of Singaporeans. It is part of the Public Service's initiatives for continuous improvements to serve the needs of its customers. eCitizen Centre will make a significant difference in the way that Singaporeans carry out transactions with public sector organisations."

Mr Moses Lee, Chairman of the PS21 Organisational Review Committee

eCitizen Centre is part of the Public Service's PS21 service improvement initiative. The project heralds a new era for the Singapore Public Service by changing the traditional way in which the public interacts with government agencies. More importantly, it harnesses the power of IT to introduce greater convenience to the public. With this, the Public Service has come together to integrate information and services across different government agencies to bring about greater convenience to the public.

This is a joint project by the PS21 Office, the PS21 Organisational Review Committee and the National Computer Board. It will be launched by Mr Peter Chen, Chairman of the Service Improvement Unit Political Supervisory Committee and Senior Minister of State for Education on 10 April 1999 at the Bukit Batok Community Club, 21 Bukit Batok Central at 2.30 pm.

About eCitizen Centre

eCitizen Centre has been developed with the customers' needs in mind. In fact, for the first time, electronic public services are grouped from the customers' point of view. Within the Centre, users can find information and services in user-centric packages such as "Looking for a Job" or "Moving House", integrating public services across different government agencies.

eCitizen Centre is available on the Internet and Singapore ONE. It presents various service packages in a roughly chronological order which typifies a citizen's journey through life in Singapore. Along this life journey, there are events such as looking for a job and moving house which involve interaction and transactions with various government agencies. eCitizen Centre integrates government information and services according to these events to help users to interact with the relevant government agencies for these events at their convenience.

How to use eCitizen Centre?

Upon entering eCitizen Centre, users are presented with a range of packages of related services. Each service package contains comprehensive and detailed information that the users would need to know in order to complete the particular event in his/her life as well as related on-line public services which are integrated across different government agencies.

For example, information and services relevant to the event of job-seeking are packaged into the "Looking for a Job" service package which caters to the needs of job seekers. It includes information and services provided by various government agencies such as the Central Provident Fund Board, the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore, the Ministry of Manpower, as well as other non-government agencies such as the National Trades Union Congress.

Within the Centre, users are able to:

- Obtain step-by-step guides about what to do under various circumstances;

- Find out about the relevant agencies to contact for further information and services;

- Use various services available on-line;

- Obtain a checklist of things to bring and/or take note of when transacting with the government agencies; and

- Find out the answers to a list of frequently asked questions.

Your reporter and photographer are cordially invited to attend the launch of eCitizen Centre on 10 April 1999 at the Bukit Batok Community Club. Our PSD and NCB public affairs officers will be pleased to meet them at 2 pm at the Bukit Batok Community Club lobby. Please confirm your attendance with Ms Mavis Tan (tel:3327313) by 9 April 1999. For enquiries on eCitizen Centre, please contact Ms Pauline Tan (tel: 7720524), Deputy Director, Public Services Office, National Computer Board and Ms Wee Wai Ming (tel: 7720552, handphone: 96830688), Senior Corporate Communications Officer, National Computer Board.

Issued by : Public Affairs Manager
Prime Minister's Office
Public Service Division


Corporate Communications Department
National Computer Board

Contact no. : 332-7313 (PSD) and 772-0552 (NCB)

Date : 8 April 1999

Press Release
(Jointly issued by the PS21 Office and National Computer Board)