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Berlin and Singapore to Cooperate in Information and Communications Technology

BERLIN – 24 SEP 1999

Berlin, 24 September, 1999 - Today, Berlin and Singapore signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to cooperate more closely in the industry of the future - information and communications technology (ICT). The MOU ...

Berlin, 24 September, 1999 - Today, Berlin and Singapore signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to cooperate more closely in the industry of the future - information and communications technology (ICT). The MOU was signed between Mr Wolfgang Branoner, Berlin Senator for Economics, and Mr Michael Yap, Chief Executive, National Computer Board of the Republic of Singapore.

The MOU aims to intensify cooperation in ICT development between Berlin and Singapore involving both public and private sectors participation. The areas of cooperation include:

- accelerating commercial and industry exchange,
- encouraging trade and investment in ICT through joint development of projects and activities,
- linking virtual communities through direct Internet connectivity,
- enhancing the use of educational networking systems for learning and industrial training,
- cultiviating research and development,
- facilitating cooperation between developers and providers of broadband netwroks and services, and
- promoting cross-border electronic commerce

Three joint initiatives between Berlin and Singapore have already been put in place under this MOU thus far. These initiatives are between:

- Deutsche Telekom and Singapore Telecom
- Banking Partners and Innovision Technologies, and
- Netlife and National Computer Systems
(Please see attached for details of the respective initiatives)

SenatorWolfgang Branoner:

"Singapore at present enjoys an economic policy that strongly develops a climate in favour for start-ups, in particular for companies of new technologies. In Berlin, we have in the past years pursued various initiatives for the constant building up and expansion of the information-oriented society. The regional initiative 'Project Future - Berlin's way into the information society' concentrated on the region's multimedia activities. The Berlin-Singapore agreement encourages intense dialogue and business activities between companies from both regions; it supports the modernization process of the two cities which are so much alike despite existing differences. The agreement will serve as a tool to make use of key technologies in multimedia, information and communication technologies."

Dr. Hans Estermann, Managing Director, Berlin Economic Development Corporation: "The exchange of views with Asian business contacts and market researches clearly show Singapore 's leading role in the development of high tech areas. The climate of economic renewal generates a great number of companies and gives way to an era of greater international cooperation. Those companies aim for an open approach to Europe, and the agreement that Berlin Economic Development Corporation has been worked out with the Singapore National Computer Board in only a couple of months will prove useful as an investment tool for those on their way to Europe."

Mr Michael Yap, Chief Executive, Singapore National Computer Board:
"It is a milestone in our excellent bilateral relations. The wide use of ICT will become the defacto way of reaching global markets in the new millennium and this MOU will allow Berlin and Singapore to ride on this global technology to be global players."

Mr Yap is accompanied by five Singapore companies on his trip to Berlin. The delegation will meet with potential partners to explore opportunities for collaboration.

Singapore with its 3.2 million inhabitants and a modern infrastructure for industry and service sectors is Germany's major commercial partner in South-East Asia. Likewise, Germany is Singapore's leading economic partner in Europa. The Berlin export to Singapore in 1998 ranged to a volume of 76.2 million DEM, the import figured 39.9. million DEM, i.e. achieved growth rate 14.4%.