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Singapore and Australia Enhance Internet Connectivity


Deputy Prime Minister BG Lee Hsien Loong and his Australian counterpart DPM Tim Fisher signed a Singapore-Australia IT Co-operation MOU today. As an initiative under this MOU, internet connectivity between both countries will be enhanced to 4 Mbps...

Deputy Prime Minister BG Lee Hsien Loong and his Australian counterpart DPM Tim Fisher signed a Singapore-Australia IT Co-operation MOU today. As an initiative under this MOU, internet connectivity between both countries will be enhanced to 4 Mbps.

This is part of TAS' ongoing efforts to enhance Singapore's Internet connectivity within the wider-Asian region. This 4Mbps link established between Singapore and Australia will further enhance existing Internet data exchange, and encourage the sharing of Internet content, and facilitate business collaborations between the two countries.

This connectivity is jointly implemented by Singapore's three Internet Access Service Providers (IASPs) - Cyberway, Pacific Internet and SingNet, together with Australia's carriers Optus and Telstra.

Said Chang Wai Leong, Director of SingNet, "The traffic between Singapore and Australia has grown healthily over the years. SingNet is pleased that this enhanced connectivity comes at a time when there is an increasing demand for faster Internet access speeds. Also, with the boom and expected growth in e-commerce applications, convenience to customers in performing such activities is enhanced by the faster speeds''.

Mr Wong Ka Vin, Deputy General Manager of Cyberway said, "CyberWay is happy to be part of the overall effort to enhance Internet connectivity between Australia and Singapore. Through this link, CyberWay can become a cyber-facilitator for businesses and consumers in both countries. We are especially pleased to be able to contribute to the overall effort to make Singapore a vibrant Global Info-communications and e-Commerce MegaHub."

Mr Nicholas Lee, Chief Executive Officer of Pacific Internet Ltd welcomed this new high speed Internet link. He said, "This enhanced link to Australia will definitely benefit the Internet subscribers in both countries. This is especially fortuitous given that our Internet traffic to Australian sites has been growing significantly. It is a boon not only to the business communities in both countries but also to many Singaporeans who have developed strong social and kinship ties with those Down Under."

The 4Mbps is currently operational, and will be upgraded subsequently by the commercial parties as internet traffic between both countries is expected to increase.

Australia has one of the highest internet penetration rates in the world and has considerable amount of internet content. Singapore is not only promoting the use of internet, but there is also a national effort coordinated by the government to pervade the use of fast internet and the development multimedia applications.

Said LTC (NS) Foo Jong Ai, TAS' Director for Development, "This is part of an overall APII (Asia Pacific Information Infrastructure) vision to build intra-regional connectivity within the Asia Pacific region. This direct linkage with Australia will further strengthen Asia's position, and enable faster and direct exchange of traffic between users in Singapore and Australia."

Press Contacts:

TAS: Ms Dulcie Chan 
Corporate Communications Manager
Tel: 322 1999
Fax: 323 0941

Cyberway: Mr Wong Ka Vin
Deputy General Manager
Tel: 845 8111

Pacific Internet: Ms Sant Kaur
Manager (Public Relations)
Tel: 771-0733(office)
Mobile: 9816 6389
Fax: 872-1200

SingNet: Yasmeen Hameed 
Marketing Communications Manager
Tel: 838 2740
Fax: 733 2119