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Government Shopfront to offer Government Products and Services over the Internet


The public can now purchase government products and services over the Internet through an electronic store. The Government Shopfront ( was launched today by Deputy Prime Minister BG (NS) Lee Hsien Loong, at the opening of COMDEX/ASIA ... 

The public can now purchase government products and services over the Internet through an electronic store. The Government Shopfront was launched today by Deputy Prime Minister BG (NS) Lee Hsien Loong, at the opening of COMDEX/ASIA at Singapore Informatics '98. The Government Shopfront is part of the public sector's electronic Public Services initiatives to bring government services closer and more conveniently to the public.

Payment for purchases from the Government Shopfront is now being done with the CashCard, using the C-ONE (CashCard for Open Network Electronic Commerce) infrastructure. Other forms of electronic payment will be added in the near future.

The Government Shopfront is open to all ministries and statutory boards. As a start, 11 agencies are providing physical and information products at the Shopfront. These include:

Community Chest

  • Making donations on the Internet 
  • Purchase of Christmas & New Year Cards

Ministry of Community Development (MCD)

  • MCD publications & video tapes

Singapore Department of Statistics 

  • Official statistics on Singapore including socio-economic data and statistical analysis on current topics.

Land Transport Authority

  • Application for Road Interpretation Plans

Ministry of Manpower

  • Statistical information on the labour market.

Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore

  • Navigational charts and handbooks

National Health Education (NHE) Department, Ministry of Health

  • Books, audio & video cassettes produced by the NHE

Singapore Science Centre

  • Online application for Science Centre and Omni Theatre membership

Singapore Tourism Board

  • Statistical reports, market studies, selected slides and video tapes / CD-ROMs

Traffic Police 

  • Online booking of Basic Driving Theory Test

Trade Development Board (TDB)

  • Publications and application for TDB library membership

The key benefits to members of the public are that they can now enjoy faster access to government products and services without leaving the comfort of their homes. For example, useful information on employment conditions can
be purchased online from the Ministry of Manpower and delivered digitally via electronic mail. Members of the public planning to take the Traffic Police's Basic Driving Theory Test (BTT) can check for available test dates, register and pay for the tests electronically through the Government Shopfront, without having to travel to the actual test centres.

To access the Government Shopfront, a user will need a personal computer and a connection to the Internet. In addition, he will need a cashcard reader which can be purchased from most petrol stations and computer stores. He will also need an electronic wallet or cashcard software which can be downloaded free of charge from NETS.