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Online Technologies Consortium Selects Grouplens Recommendation Engine as a Key Online Services Personalisation Technology


Online Technologies Consortium (OTC) hosted by the National Computer Board (NCB) today announced its selection of US-based Net Perceptions' GroupLens Recommendation Engine as a key technology in its Virtual ...

Online Technologies Consortium (OTC) hosted by the National Computer Board (NCB) today announced its selection of US-based Net Perceptions' GroupLens Recommendation Engine as a key technology in its Virtual Communities Programme. Considered the leader in personalisation technology, Net Perceptions' GroupLens Recommendation Engine will be adopted by OTC members.

The GroupLens Recommendation Engine will help OTC members foster one-to-one customer relationships by tailoring their online services to deliver specific and meaningful content and product recommendations based on learning the preferences of each individual user. Hence, users can look forward to highly personalised and satisfying virtual community experiences.

"We chose the GroupLens Recommendation Engine because of its ability to create a personalised community experience," said Mr Tan Jin Ho, Head, Technical Services, of OTC. "Organisations will be able to connect to their markets more effectively by employing GroupLens to make recommendations for a variety of online applications, such as learning, entertainment, finance and lifestyle."

"Net Perceptions' cutting-edge technology provides advanced personalisation for a broad spectrum of e-commerce sites globally, " said Steven Snyder, president and CEO of Net  Perceptions. "We are confident that GroupsLens' ease of deployment and accuracy of recommendations will help members of OTC provide excellent one-to-one customer service in the online marketspace."

About OTC

The Online Technologies Consortium (OTC) comprises members of the local Singapore online industry and is sponsored by several industry players. Singapore's National Computer Board serves as host and caretaker for the OTC. Viewed as an essential mechanism for transferring technologies and solutions at a shared cost, OTC's mission is to inspire the use of enabling technologies to accelerate the growth of Singapore's indigenous online industry. It does so by pooling together the scarce resources and in providing the platform for sharing and exchanging of experiences and expertise. More information on the OTC can be found at

About Net Perceptions

Net Perceptions, Inc., the leading developer of real-time customer interaction tools, was incorporated in July 1996. Founders of Net Perceptions include the team of University of Minnesota researchers who pioneered the concepts and applications of collaborative filtering and lead programmers from supercomputer maker Cray Research. Customers who have selected Net Perceptions' technology for one-to-one marketing include market leaders such as, ARTUFRAME, Audio Book Clubs, CDnow, Computer Book Shops, E!Online, iVillage, Let's Eat Out, Music, Music Boulevard, and Planet Direct. Net Perceptions has received Financial backing from Hummer Winblad, JAFCO, London Pacific Life and Annuity, St. Paul Venture Capital Inc., and Paul Allen's investment group, Vulcan Ventures, Inc. Net Perceptions can be reached by calling 1-800-466-0711 or on the World Wide Web at

About GroupLens Recommendation Engine

The GroupLens Recommendation Engine is revered as the superior Technology for deployment across consumer and business Web sites because of its easy-to-adapt features, the fact it constantly learns -- automatically in real time, and the accuracy of its recommendations. Net Perceptions technology is delivering personalized recommendations in real time for over 40 high-profile sites.

The GroupLens Recommendation Engine helps online businesses foster one-to-one customer relationships by tailoring Web sites to deliver specific and meaningful content and product recommendations based on learning the preferences of each individual user. Working behind the scenes, GroupLens' technically superior approach harnesses the collective knowledge of a site's users to make specific predictions for each individual. It learns more and more about the user over time, resulting in an increasingly valuable personalised service.