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New Organisation Structure for TAS to Better Meet Industry's and Consumer Needs


From 1 July 1998, TAS will adopt a new organisation structure which will enhance TAS' readiness to lead, manage and develop the info-communication industry in Singapore, so as to meet the challenges facing the industry in the future...

From 1 July 1998, TAS will adopt a new organisation structure which will enhance TAS' readiness to lead, manage and develop the info-communication industry in Singapore, so as to meet the challenges facing the industry in the future.

In restructuring the organisation, TAS aims to achieve better synergy and co-ordination of TAS' regulatory functions to meet ever-changing market needs and developments. In addition, with the liberalisation of the mobile communications market and the impending competition in the basic telecommunication services market, TAS needs to focus more on strengthening the competitive framework to ensure the development of fair and effective competition in a multi-operator environment. The reorganisation also seeks to focus efforts on TAS' developmental role, in particular the promotion of the industry, infrastructure and technologies.

TAS is presently organised into four Directorates, namely Policy, Engineering, Multimedia and Corporate Services Directorates. With the reorganisation, policy formulation and policy implementation, which is currently under the purview of both the Policy and Engineering Directorates, will be separated into distinct functions.

A Policy and Planning Directorate will be established to concentrate on the policy formulation and research function. This will allow for better focus and in-depth analysis that are necessary for policy formulation and research. This Directorate will function as a think-tank for the organisation and address the need for longer-term policy formulation and planning for future industry development and growth.

Policy implementation will fall under the ambit of an Industry Management Directorate, which will oversee both the technical and economic regulation aspects. Separated from the policy research and formulation process, this Directorate can effectively focus on the implementation issues and follow-through of policies. This will also ensure the proper functioning of the established competition framework, which will safeguard consumers' interests and provide a level playing field in a multi-operator environment.

Besides regulation and planning, an increasingly important role TAS undertakes is in promoting and developing the info-communication infrastructure and industry. The Development Directorate will perform and expand this vital role. Development of infrastructure and technology will include spearheading the development of Singapore's info-communication infrastructure and promoting advanced technologies. Industry development will encompass the nurturing of home-grown industries to encourage a vibrant info-communication industry in Singapore.

The Corporate Services Directorate will continue to provide corporate services support in the areas of public relations, human resources, finance and administration.

The International Affairs Division, reporting directly to the Director-General's office, will continue to act as the international relations arm of TAS.

The new organisation chart is reflected in the Annex. TAS will continue to review its organisation structure and reorganise where necessary to remain relevant to lead the development of the info-communication industry and meet the needs of consumers.

TAS Organisation Structure

TAS Organisation Structure