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TAS Stops Infoseek's Illegal International Telephone Service


Since end May 1998, TAS has been investigating the case of a local firm, Infoseek Communications (Singapore), providing a service called Direct Dial Service. TAS has found that the Direct Dial service uses a frame relay circuit to ...

Since end May 1998, TAS has been investigating the case of a local firm, Infoseek Communications (Singapore), providing a service called Direct Dial Service. TAS has found that the Direct Dial service uses a frame relay circuit to carry third party international telephone calls1. The Direct Dial service is neither a callback nor calling card service and is an unlicensed telecommunication service. TAS maintains that the provision of Direct Dial service by Infoseek Communications violates Section 70 of the TAS Act2.

TAS has repeatedly directed Infoseek Communications to cease providing the service since 8 July 1998. Infoseek has however not complied with the instruction. On 11 Aug 98, TAS staff visited Infoseek's premises and found that it was still operating the service. In exercising the power under Section 74 of the TAS Act3, TAS staff has seized the equipment used for providing the Direct Dial Service. Pending completion of the investigation, TAS may commence legal action against Infoseek.

Note to Editor:

1. Infoseek's Direct Dial service uses Singapore Telecom's frame-relay service to carry its third-party international calls. This is akin to International Simple Resale (ISR), which is not permitted. ISR refers to the provision of international direct dialling services using infrastructure that bypasses Singapore Telecom's international telephone gateway. Singapore Telecom is currently the only operator licensed to provide Public Basic Telecommunication Services (which includes international direct dialling services) in Singapore.

2. Section 70 of the TAS Act provides that any person who unlawfully establishes, installs, maintains, provides or operates a telecommunication system or service within Singapore shall be guilty of an offence.

3. Section 74 of the TAS Act provides that any police officer not below the rank of sergeant or any employee authorised by TAS shall have the powers to enter and inspect any place and to seize any telecommunication system or equipment found on such premises where there are reasonable grounds for believing that a telecommunication system or service has been established, installed, maintained, operated or provided in contravention of the TAS Act or any regulations made thereunder or in breach of the licence issued by TAS.