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New Release of Data Exchange Standard to Enhance Interoperability in Construction Industry


The International Alliance of Interoperability (IAI) officially launched the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) 1.5 (developer version) at a press briefing held today at BAUCON Asia '97. The highlight of release 1.5 of IFC is a stable ...

The International Alliance of Interoperability (IAI) officially launched the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) 1.5 (developer version) at a press briefing held today at BAUCON Asia '97. The highlight of release 1.5 of IFC is a stable information framework for all future releases. It will be the standard adopted by CORENET* for the development of applications.

The IFC is a data exchange standard which consists of a library of commonly defined objects that can be shared by many applications throughout a project's lifecycle in the Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. When adopted by software vendors, a suite of interoperable software can be developed. More than 25 leading software companies in the AEC industry worldwide have committed to supporting the IFC in their future products.

The benefits of adopting the IFC include:

a) No need for hardcopy output and data re-entry when transferring information from one discipline to another.
b) The possibility of mixing and matching software by different vendors.
c) The possibility for various disciplines to reuse the building data in subsequent phases of the project lifecycle while using different software.
d) Lower costs and faster turn-around times from improved co-ordination and communication.

Status Update by IAI (Singapore Chapter)

The IAI (Singapore Chapter) was also present at BAUCON Asia '97 to update its status. Inaugurated in May 1996, the Chapter was set up to help Singapore's AEC sector embrace information sharing via the establishment of an international data exchange standard. There are currently 11 founding members representing various discipline of Singapore's construction industry. The Construction Industry Development Board is the secretariat, while the National Computer Board is the technical advisor to the Chapter.

Since its inauguration, the Chapter has been active in promoting the IAI movement both locally and regionally. It is currently hosting 3 major events the 5th IAI International Summit, IAI Introduction to Asia Pacific Countries and the Bau.IT Seminar.

The Chapter has also offered an information modeling methodology, developed for CORENET, to IAI International. The methodology has been accepted and refined to form the official IAI development methodology for defining the IFC.

The Chapter will target professional bodies, government agencies, local companies, software vendors, research institutes and institutions of higher learning for its next wave of membership recruitment. For more information on the Chapter, please visit their newly launched website at (

CORENET, one of the strategic applications identified for the construction and real estate sector during the IT2000 study, was launched by Mr. Lim Hng Kiang, Minister for National Development on 27 September at BAUCON Asia 95.

CORENET provides an integrated environment for the various players in the construction and real estate sector to communicate and exchange information seamlessly.