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Canada and Singapore Sign Information and Communications Technology Agreements


VANCOUVER, November 21, 1997 - Jointly released by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada and Ministry of Trade and Industry Singapore. Minister for International Trade Sergio Marchi and Minister for Trade and ..

VANCOUVER, November 21, 1997 - Jointly released by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada and Ministry of Trade and Industry Singapore.

Minister for International Trade Sergio Marchi and Minister for Trade and Industry and Second Minister for Finance of Singapore H.E. Lee Yock Suan signed today a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on co-operation in information and telecommunications technology. They also witnessed the signing of 13 agreements estimated to be worth over $150 million by a number of associations and companies.

"This MOU opens a technological gateway between our countries that should act as a catalyst for increased scientific, business, educational and cultural ties," said Mr. Marchi. "These agreements are positive proof of the opportunities for co-operation between Canada and Singapore."

"It is a milestone in our excellent bilateral relations," said Mr. Lee Yock Suan. "Close collaboration between our two countries in the fields of information and communications technology will enhance our competitive advantages in these strategic industries, which are engines of growth in the global market."

The MOU will support the development of technologies, products and services for the benefit of industry, education and research in Canada and Singapore. It has five key thrusts: enabling physical connectivity, cultivating research and development, promoting educational and learning program exchanges, accelerating commercial and industry exchange, and coordinating electronic commerce policies.

Today's signings include a new electronic linkage between CANARIE - the Canadian Network for the Advancement of Research, Industry and Education - and Singapore ONE, a high-speed Internet network that delivers interactive, multimedia applications and services to homes, schools and businesses throughout Singapore. The link will allow students from Canada and Singapore to benefit from the exchange of online educational services and distance learning.



Joint Agreement for Interconnection of Canada's Next Generation Internet CA*NET II and the Singapore Internet Next Generation Advanced Research and Education Network (SINGAREN)

The Canadian Network for Advancement of Research, Industry and Education (CANARIE) and the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore (TAS) have signed an agreement to support and promote the objectives of their mutual programs in developing advanced next-generation networking applications and services by the interconnecting of CA*net II and SINGAREN. CANARIE is a non-profit organization that supports and facilitates the development of a knowledge-based information infrastructure in Canada. TAS is the national regulator and promoter of the telecommunication and postal industries in the Republic of Singapore. TAS also plays a leading role in the development of Singapore's national information infrastructure (NII), Singapore ONE.

Communications Research Centre of Canada and the National Computer Board of Singapore have signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a co-operative program to further the spirit of the principles established in the Information and Communications Technologies Agreement signed by the Government of the Republic of Singapore and the Government of Canada on November 21, 1997.

The University of Waterloo and the National University of Singapore have signed a memorandum of understanding for cooperation in education and research. The two universities will also explore the use of the high-speed link to promote distance learning, and explore the transmission of research seminars and workshops between the institutions.

The University of Toronto (Faculty of Information Studies) and the National of University of Singapore (The Institute of Systems Science) have signed a memorandum of understanding for collaboration on distance learning. The two parties will share existing courses and products, help each other test new teaching models and emergent technologies such as joint distributed classrooms and workshops. The Faculty of Information Studies is one of the world's leading faculties in the field of information management and knowledge management. The Institute of Systems Science is Asia Pacific's leading center for advanced information technology education and technology transfer for senior management and professionals.

Industry Canada and the National Computer Board of Singapore (NCB) signed a memorandum of understanding to facilitate the development of a learning network. The two parties will explore the exchange of expertise in the application of information communication technologies in the areas of government services, health, learning and training, as well as in the co-development of instructional techniques using the latest technology and information communication technology materials. They have also agreed to explore ways in which to combine efforts towards the effective export of their information communication technology sectors.

The Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC) in partnership with the Canadian Network for the Advancement of Research, Industry of Education (CANARIE), and the Singapore Federation of Computer Industries (SFCI) signed a collaborative agreement to extend business development services to members of each other's organisations, identify and promote success stories of Canada-Singapore ICT collaboration and business partnership, explore sources of funding and collaborate in raising awareness of special business opportunities. The Canada-Singapore ICT Industry Steering Committee (CSITI) will be formed to act as a facilitating organisation to champion and co-ordinate the efforts.

A joint-venture company, called NCS-SelfServe Asia Pacific, will be set up by end of 1997 to provide electronic commerce outsourcing services to the Asia Pacific region. This joint venture is between Commerce Direct International (CDI) from Calgary, Alberta, and National Computer Systems Pte Ltd (NCS), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Singapore Telecom Group. CDI will provide the technology and know-how and NCS will provide the marketing, solution-customisation, implementation, helpdesk support, and post-implementation support for NCS-SelfServe. NCS-SelfServe's electronic commerce outsourcing service is already in operation in Singapore with a number of Singapore-based customers. The initial customers who will be partnering NCS-SelfServe for electronic distribution of their products include: AICO Arena International Corp, Comcentral, Home Ticket Network, NetNanny Pte Ltd and SoftSearch Information Services.

Morgan Media Inc., Sydney, B.C, has signed a strategic marketing partnership memorandum of understanding with ST Computer Systems & Services Limited to distribute their product exclusively for Singapore and Malaysia and non-exclusively for the rest Asia-Pacific region.

Morgan Media Inc. has also signed an agreement establishing a joint venture company with the Institute of System Science to carry out the development, commercialisation and worldwide marketing of online communities and virtual environments for education and entertainment, using and exploiting technologies innovations and expertise residing in Morgan Media and ISS.

Rhema Ventures Pte Ltd and SRI Strategic Resources Inc., Burnaby, B.C., have signed a strategic partnership agreement to promote and implement SRI'S integrated Internet/IVR/Kiosk business applications. The strategic partnership focuses on joint development and marketing of Interactive Voice Response (IVR)/Internet/Kiosk/Wireless and related electronic commerce technologies in financial institutions, government and private sectors.

SRI Strategic Resources Inc. and ST Computer Systems & Services Limited have signed a memorandum of understanding establishing a strategic marketing partnership. The two parties have agreed to develop co-operative business activities and seek new markets for each party's products and services. STCS will also work in conjunction with Rhema Ventures Pte Ltd, a business partner of SRI Strategic Resources Inc., to market and promote products and services belonging to SRI. SRI will also market and promote products and services belonging to STCS.

The Communication Security Establishment of Canada's Department of National Defence and the National Computer Board of the Republic of Singapore have signed an arrangement to exchange information and work towards common public key infrastructure policies and practices. They will also develop a draft cross-certification framework