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TAS Opens Main Tender for Licence to Provide Public Basic Telecommunication Services


The main tender for the provision of Public Basic Telecommunication Services (PBTS) licences opens today and will close on 31 December 1997. This gives the 3 pre-qualified tenderers five months to prepare their main tender ...

The main tender for the provision of Public Basic Telecommunication Services (PBTS) licences opens today and will close on 31 December 1997. This gives the 3 pre-qualified tenderers five months to prepare their main tender proposals in accordance with the requirements that are stipulated in the main tender document released to them today.
The objective of the main tender is to select up to 2 operators to provide basic telecommunication services in competition with the incumbent operator. The actual number of PBTS licences to be awarded will depend on the attractiveness and quality of the tender submissions received.

The tenderers participating in the main tender will be evaluated based on the criteria and their respective weightages listed in Annex 1. As facilities-based operator(s), the successful tenderer(s) are expected to invest in and roll-out advanced telecommunication infrastructure.

Successful tenderer(s) will be awarded the PBTS licence(s) by mid-1998 and will be required to commence commercial services from 1 April 2000. TAS intends to license additional PBTS operators through future public tenders to provide commercial services from 1 April 2002. This will give the successful tenderer(s) from this tender exercise sufficient time to stabilise their operations and roll-out their core networks.

Annex 1

Tender Evaluation Criteria and Weightages
No Criteria Weightages (No. of Points)
1 Strategic Plans Total: 15
2 Business Plans
-conceptualisation and soundness of tenderer's business plans (20 points)
-relationship between the tenderer's business plans and technical/network investment (5 points)
Total: 25
3 Service Schemes
-wide range of services (30 points)
-higher quality of services (30 points)
Total: 60
4 Technical Soundness
-overall network configuration, deployment of network facilities, coverage, capacity and improvement to infrastructure facilities, interconnection arrangements and network performance standards (40 points)
-implementation of innovative and state-of-the-art technology (10 points)
-optimal use of limited resources (10 points)
Total: 60
5 Effective Roll-out Plan Total: 20
6 Technical Support and Relevant Expertise
-adequacy of tenderer's technical support facilities and maintenance centres (10 points)
-tenderer's expertise and those of its key personnel that will be made available for its Singapore operations (10 points)
Total: 20
Grand Total 200