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TAS Licenses Contractors For Better Quality Wiring


From 1 July 1996, the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore (TAS) will implement a licence scheme for internal telecommunication wiring installers and contractors. This new scheme, which will replace the voluntary registration ...

From 1 July 1996, the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore (TAS) will implement a licence scheme for internal telecommunication wiring installers and contractors. This new scheme, which will replace the voluntary registration scheme introduced in March 1993, aims to improve the quality of the internal telecommunication wiring work of subscribers' terminal equipment.
With the licensing scheme, telecommunication wiring contractors and companies providing telecommunication wiring services to the public will need to apply for the contractor's licence. Licensed contractors will have to use only licensed installers to perform any telecommunication wiring work and abide by the TAS's Code of Practice. Those who fail to comply with the licensing conditions will face a fine or suspension or cancellation of licences.

New contractors applying for the licence must complete and pass the Telecommunication Wiring for Customer's Premises course, which is available at the Singapore Telecommunications Academy and the Institute of Technical Education (ITE). For the ITE courses, applicants must complete and pass the NTC-3 Electrical Installation and Servicing (EIS) Module 2 Domestic Installation course.

Existing registered wiring contractors and installers can apply to TAS for direct conversion to the licence. The installer's licence fee is $30 for 3 years, and the contractor's licence fee is $100 for 3 years.

The new scheme will empower TAS to investigate complaints against poor workmanship as well as demand that defaulting contractors rectify the defects. The public will thus benefit as they can expect quality wiring from the TAS-licensed installers and contractors.