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Better Performance by Singnet and Pacnet


Both SingNet and Pacific Internet (PacNet) have achieved Quality of Service (QoS) standards which are higher than the minimum levels set by TAS for the first quarter for 1996 (Jan - Mar 96). This is revealed by TAS which monitors ...

Both SingNet and Pacific Internet (PacNet) have achieved Quality of Service (QoS) standards which are higher than the minimum levels set by TAS for the first quarter for 1996 (Jan - Mar 96). This is revealed by TAS which monitors the QoS performances of the Internet Access Service Providers (IASPs) via the quarterly reports which they have to submit to TAS.

Overall, both SingNet and PacNet have maintained a high level of service standards in the 1st quarter of 96. SingNet has been able to comply with all the QoS standards while PacNet has shown marked improvement in its QoS performance in comparison with the previous quarter's results. As for CyberWay, the third IASP which started its operation in April 96, its QoS performance will only be known in the next quarter.

For the standard which requires the IASPs' networks to be running more than 98% of the time, SingNet and PacNet did well. SingNet achieved 99.8% while PacNet scored 99.5%. In the area of system accessibility where the standard is more than 90%, i.e. no more than one out of 10 calls getting a busy signal, both managed a near 100% compliance.

SingNet was also able to activate its dial-up service accounts within the required three working days during the quarter, as compared to the last quarter where there were delays. Although PacNet only marginally failed the required service activation time of three days, it has improved this aspect significantly, compared to its last quarter performance of 52.8%. In general, TAS is satisfied with the efforts taken by PacNet to meet the QoS standards imposed.

Both IASPs have also enhanced their international connections with the US Internet backbone by adding bigger bandwidth leased circuits to their systems to allow for better connectivity with the United States, the home of most Web sites.

TAS is glad to note that the healthy competition among the IASPs have led to them striving for continuous service improvement and exceeding TAS QoS standards to provide an even higher quality of service for consumers.

TAS will continue to monitor the performance of the IASPs and ensure that they comply strictly with the QoS standards set, so as to protect the interest of all Internet users in the competitive environment.