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Twenty students from Rosyth Primary School will take part in a story-writing exercise on the Internet on 10 Oct 95, Tuesday, from 8.30am to 10.30am, at the Training Centre, Chadwick Building. (Map attached) These students have ...

Singapore, 7 October 1995 | For Immediate Release

Twenty students from Rosyth Primary School will take part in a story-writing exercise on the Internet on 10 Oct 95, Tuesday, from 8.30am to 10.30am, at the Training Centre, Chadwick Building. (Map attached) These students have been invited by the National Computer Board (NCB) to participate in a special online writing exercise called Renga: the Cyberstory - A day in the life of cyberspace.

The event is being held in conjunction with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)s Media Labs 10th anniversary celebrations. People from all over the world are invited by Media Lab to contribute bits - in text, sound and picture - to paint a portrait of life at the dawn of the digital revolution. (please refer to annex A)

The exercise resembles a game played in schools where students sit in a circle and each take turns to add a sentence to form a story. Renga comes from the Japanese word meaning linked poem or linked image. This Renga concept allows people who are not in the same room, or even the same country, to share the circle.

Rosyth Primary School was selected for the exercise as it is one of the schools participating in the Accelerating IT in Primary Schools (AITP) pilot project which aims to introduce information technology (IT) skills to students in the primary schools. This event supports the objective of the AITP project which aims to use computers as a tool to enrich students learning experiences.

At the end of the exercise, the students would have gained exposure to the Internet and interaction with people from around the world. This event offers Singapore students a chance to interact and work with people worldwide through computers and Internet in a fun way.

Corporate Communication Department
National Computer Board
7 October 1995

NCB 2-05/002

Annex A


Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Media Lab is a research consortium based in MIT. It is currently collaborating with the Singapore Digital Media Consortium (SDMC) managed by the NCB. Members of the SDMC are Aztech Systems, Creative Technology, IPC Corporation, and iMedia.

As part of Media Labs 10th anniversary celebrations, it is assembling snapshots of Cyberspace. From 1 to 10 Oct, it is collecting bits of the first global portrait of human life in the digital age. People from all over the world can contribute to different themes on different days, ranging from privacy (anonymity, security, privacy and trust in a digital society), expression (digital art, entertainment and community creativity), and faith (religion, politics, and their net effects) to the environment (coexistence and coevolution of natural and virtual worlds).

On 10 Oct (US time), a team of professional editors from the Media Lab will collect, edit, and publish the best of those bits on the net. Taken together, these bits will create a mosaic of life at the dawn of the digital revolution. The final result will be published on the web in a subsequent book which will become part of a permanent archive.