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NetLink Trust's Fibre Connection Service QoS Performance for Q3 2020

Quality of Service (QoS) Standards for NetLink Trust's Fibre Connection Services for the Jul – Sep 2020 Quarter

NetLink Trust's QoS Performance for Installation-Related Service Levels

1. Percentage of Residential End-User Connections Delivered to NetLink Trust's Requesting Licensees in Working Condition

IMDA had suspended the QoS standards on NetLink Trust’s installation-related service levels in July 2020. IMDA took into consideration that NetLink Trust faced shortage of manpower due to restrictions such as Stay-Home Notices placed on its workers, as a result of COVID-19 pandemic measures in Singapore.

2. Percentage of Non-Residential End-User Connections Delivered to NetLink Trust's Requesting Licensees in Working Condition

IMDA had suspended the QoS standards on NetLink Trust’s installation-related service levels in July 2020. IMDA took into consideration that NetLink Trust faced shortage of manpower due to restrictions such as Stay-Home Notices placed on its workers, as a result of COVID-19 pandemic measures in Singapore.

NetLink Trust's QoS Performance for Timeframe in the Provisioning of End-User Connection Services

1. Percentage of Residential Service Orders Fulfilled within (i) Three Business Days of the Date of the Service Order or (ii) by Request For Activation ("RFA") Date for First Fibre Orders

IMDA had suspended the QoS standards on NetLink Trust’s service provisioning timeframes in July 2020. IMDA took into consideration that NetLink Trust faced shortage of manpower due to restrictions such as Stay-Home Notices placed on its workers, as a result of COVID-19 pandemic measures in Singapore.

When both first and second fibre orders are aggregated together, between August to September 2020, NetLink Trust has fulfilled 98.49% to 98.77% of orders within three business days or RFA date, and 99.37% to 99.55% of orders within seven business days or RFA date + 4 business days.

2. Percentage of Non-Residential Service Orders Fulfilled within Four Calendar Weeks from the Date of the Service Order

IMDA had suspended the QoS standards on NetLink Trust’s service provisioning timeframes in July 2020. IMDA took into consideration that NetLink Trust faced shortage of manpower due to restrictions such as Stay-Home Notices placed on its workers, as a result of COVID-19 pandemic measures in Singapore.

NetLink Trust has fulfilled 99.38% to 99.53% of orders within eight calendar weeks or RFA date + 4 calendar weeks in August to September 2020.