Be aware of scammers impersonating as IMDA officers and report any suspicious calls to the police. Please note that IMDA officers will never call you nor request for your personal information. For scam-related advice, please call the ScamShield Helpline at 1799 or go to


In today's digital age, maintaining content standards is key to ensuring a responsible and harmonious media environment. IMDA's regulations play an important role in guiding industry players in adhering to high-quality content, promoting a co-regulatory approach with the publications industry. Publications and audio materials should comply with the Undesirable Publications Act (UPA) and the relevant content guidelines.  

Content guidelines have been developed in consultation with the industry and are reviewed periodically with the Publications Consultative Panel (PCP) to reflect prevailing community standards.

View the Publications and Audio Materials Guide to find out what you need to do to import, distribute or publish such materials and for the IMDA's content guidelines.

Local publications

IMDA does not pre-vet local publications. Publishers of local publications are to exercise responsibility in their content and be mindful of local community norms, as well as racial and religious sensitivities.

Under the Newspaper and Printing Presses Act (NPPA), local publications which are periodicals require a permit before they can be published or distributed in Singapore. As part of the permit conditions, publishers are required to adhere to the applicable content guidelines issued together with the permit. For example, local lifestyle magazines are required to comply with the Content Guidelines for Local Lifestyle Magazines (667.32KB).

Conditions of sale

Adult interest publications or publications with mature content that are imported should be distributed in compliance with appropriate conditions and consumer advice. Such publications must be shrink-wrapped and carry a label with the consumer advice “Unsuitable for the Young”. Please refer to the Content Guidelines for Imported Publications (759.33KB) for consumer advice label specifications.

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