All audiotext service providers are automatically class-licensed under the Broadcasting (Class Licence) Notification of the Broadcasting Act 1994 and are required to register with IMDA within 14 days of commencing the service.
Who is this for?
Service providers in the business of providing services such as chat lines, SMS chats, mobile phone downloads, information services, games of chance, International Call Card services and others.
No fee is required.
Applicable Codes
- Class Licence Conditions
- Audiotext Code of Practice is for audiotext service providers who offer chat line services.
How to apply?
- All audiotext service providers are required to apply online via GoBusiness Licensing for a Services-Based Operations (“SBO”) Licence first. Please take note of the guidelines and requirements for SBO License here.
- On the approval of the SBO licence application, audiotext service providers will also be registered as audiotext service providers under the Broadcasting (Class Licence) Notification. A separate application for registration is not required.
- Apply online via GoBusiness Licensing.
Please contact us if you have any questions or email IMDA for feedback.