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Review of Interconnection Offer for the Provision of Services on the Next Generation Nationwide Broadband Network - Nucleus Connect's Interconnection Offer

Issued Date: 08/10/2012

14 June 2013 - Implementation of Nucleus Connect’s Approved ICO

12 March 2013 - Nucleus Connect’s Submission of Clean Copy of Approved ICO

7 March 2013 - IDA's Directed Amendments to the Nucleus Connect Interconnection Offer

7 February 2013 - Nucleus Connect’s further proposed modifications to the Nucleus Connect Interconnection Offer

14 June 2013

Implementation of Nucleus Connect's Approved ICO

On 6 June 2013, Nucleus Connect Pte Ltd ("Nucleus Connect") has requested IDA’s approval to extend the implementation deadline under the Further Direction for the following three services under the Approved ICO to 1 September 2013:

  • New Deactivation Process;
  • New TP Installation Options; and
  • Cancellation without charges, 

(Collectively, the “Additional Services”).

Nucleus Connect explained that it requires the extension as the scope of works for the Additional Services is larger than expected and there is the need to develop and test these services together with the Relocation of Termination Points within Premises, Express Service and Reclassification service (collectively, the “Three Services”) due to interdependencies within its systems and processes. Nucleus Connect also informed IDA that it will be able to implement the Three Services by 1 September 2013 (ahead of the deadline of 31 October 2013).

Having assessed the matter, IDA agrees to accede to Nucleus Connect’s request. This means that Nucleus Connect is required to implement the Additional Services by no later than 1 September 2013. Similarly, IDA expects Nucleus Connect to implement the Three Services by no later than 1 September 2013.

12 March 2013

Nucleus Connect's Submission of Clean Copy of Approved ICO

Nucleus Connect submitted a clean copy of its approved ICO incorporating IDA's 7 March 2013 Directed Amendments.

Nucleus Connect's ICO
Master Interconnection Offer Agreement (420.54KB)
General Service Terms and Conditions (241.23KB)
Service Schedule - Aggregation Ethernet Virtual Connection (AG-EVC) (209.22KB)
Service Schedule - Provider Backbone Ethernet Virtual Connection (PB-EVC) (339.99KB)
Service Schedule - QP-EVPL Service Port (156.75KB)
Service Schedule - IP Multicast Connection (216.14KB)
Service Schedule - E-LAN (277.20KB)
Service Schedule - L2 VPN (277.14KB)
Service Schedule - L3 VPN (274.62KB)
Service Schedule - Residential Per-End-User Connection (172.92KB)
Service Schedule - Non-residential Per-End-User Connection (459.34KB)
Service Schedule - NBAP Per-End-User Connection (186.73KB)
Service Schedule - Co-location Service (264.34KB)
Service Schedule - Interoperability Testing Service (482.60KB)
Service Schedule - L3 Virtual Routing Domain Setup Service (140.20KB)
Service Schedule - Patching Service (129.34KB)
Service Schedule - Platform Connection Service (349.68KB)

7 March 2013

IDA's Directed Amendments to Nucleus Connect's Proposed Modifications to the Draft Revised ICO

On 7 March 2013, IDA directed Nucleus Connect Pte Ltd ("Nucleus Connect") to incorporate specific drafting language ("Directed Amendments") in its proposed modifications to its Interconnection Offer ("ICO"). Nucleus Connect's proposed modifications incorporating the Directed Amendments ("Approved ICO") would be approved by IDA and will take effect from 12 March 2013. Following the approval, Nucleus Connect shall adhere to the implementation timeline as set out in the Further Direction to implement the Approved ICO.

Nucleus Connect's Further Proposed Modifications – 7 March 2013
Further Direction (195.78KB)
Appendix 1: Directed Amendments to the Master ICO Agreement (436.62KB)
Appendix 2: Directed Amendments to General Service Terms and Conditions (241.94KB)

7 February 2013

Pursuant to IDA's direction on 31 December 2012, Nucleus Connect has submitted to IDA its further proposed modifications to the Draft Revised ICO, that incorporates the IDA directed modifications, on 7 February 2013.
Nucleus Connect's Further Proposed Modifications - 7 February 2013
Nucleus Connect’s Letter (135.23KB)
Appendix 1: Further Proposed Modifications to the Master ICO Agreement (484.26KB)
Appendix 2: Further Proposed Modifications to General Service Terms and Conditions (604.80KB)
Appendix 3: Further Proposed Modifications to Service Schedule - Residential Per-End-User Connection (448.65KB)
Appendix 4: Further Proposed Modifications to Service Schedule - Non-Residential Per-End-User Connection (310.04KB)
Appendix 5: Further Proposed Modifications to Service Schedule - NBAP Per-End-User Connection (293.27KB)
Appendix 6: Further Proposed Modifications to Service Schedule - L2 VPN Service (306.26KB)
Appendix 7: Further Proposed Modifications to Service Schedule - L3 VPN Service (325.35KB)
Appendix 8: Further Proposed Modifications to Service Schedule - E-LAN Service (334.64KB)
Appendix 9: Further Proposed Modifications to Service Schedule - Co-location Service (272.46KB)

25 January 2013

Nucleus Connect has requested an extension of the deadline to submit its response to IDA's Directed Modifications to the Nucleus Connect's Draft Revised ICO. IDA has agreed to the extension and Nucleus Connect will have to submit to IDA a revised proposed ICO that incorporates the IDA directed modifications by no later than 8 February 2013.

31 December 2012

Directed Modifications to Nucleus Connect's Draft Revised ICO

Following the industry consultation on Nucleus Connect Pte Ltd's ("Nucleus Connect") Draft Revised ICO, IDA has directed Nucleus Connect to modify particular provisions of its Draft Revised ICO. Nuclues Connect will have to submit to IDA a revised proposed ICO that incorporates the IDA directed modifications by 30 January 2013.

IDA's Directed Modifications - 31 December 2012
Direction (106.45KB)
Explanatory Memorandum (61.19KB)
Annex A: 2009 Direction (262.31KB)
Annex B: Explanatory Memorandum to the 2009 Direction (53.98KB)
Appendix 1: Required Modifications to the Master ICO Agreement (438.09KB)
Appendix 2: Required Modifications to General Service Terms and Conditions (258.85KB)
Appendix 3: Required Modifications to Service Schedule - Residential Per-End-User Connection (179.88KB)
Appendix 4: Required Modifications to Service Schedule - Non-Residential Per-End-User Connection (216.91KB)
Appendix 5: Required Modifications to Service Schedule - NBAP Per-End-User Connection (214.92KB)
Appendix 6: Required Modifications to Service Schedule - L2 VPN Service (257.84KB)
Appendix 7: Required Modifications to Service Schedule - L3 VPN Service (284.84KB)
Appendix 8: Required Modifications to Service Schedule - E-LAN Service (292.11KB)
Appendix 9: Required Modifications to Service Schedule - Co-location Service (267.22KB)

7 November 2012

Further to the consultation of Nucleus Connect's Draft Revised Interconnection Offer, IDA has received the following responses from the industry.

Responses Received at Closing Date - 7 November 2012
M1 Limited (442.67KB)
Singapore Telecommunications Ltd (216.45KB)

8 October 2012

Nucleus Connect Pte Ltd ("Nucleus Connect"), the Operating Company ("OpCo") selected to design, build, and operate the active infrastructure of the Next Generation Nationwide Broadband Network ("Next Gen NBN"), plays a pivotal role in the implementation of the Next Gen NBN and IDA places significant emphasis on achieving a successful and effective implementation of the OpCo layer. IDA considered that it is necessary to conduct a review of Nucleus Connect's Interconnection Offer ("ICO") at this juncture following the review of OpenNet's ICO which was completed in July 2012. As part of the review of Nucleus Connect's ICO, IDA has required Nucleus Connect to propose changes to its ICO to pass through the effects of the modifications to OpenNet's ICO. Nucleus Connect has also initiated proposed certain changes to its ICO. Nucleus Connect has since submitted the proposed changes to its ICO to IDA for review and approval.

IDA Consultation Paper
Consultation Document on Nucleus Connect's ICO Review

Proposed Nucleus Connect's Revised ICO
Master Interconnection offer (ICO) Agreement (423.81KB)
General Service Terms and Conditions (233.75KB)
Residential Per-End-User-Connection (174.07KB)
Non-Residential Per-End-User-Connection (207.50KB)
NBAP Per-End-User-Connection (204.45KB)
L2 VPN Service (283.51KB)
ELAN Service (277.35KB)
L3 VPN Service (274.95KB)
Co-location Service (257.70KB)

All views and comments should be submitted in writing in soft copies (preferably in Microsoft Word format) and shall reach IDA by12 noon, 7 November 2012.

For each set of comments, respondents are required to include their personal/company particulars as well as their correspondence address. Views and comments should be addressed to:

Aileen Chia (Ms)
Deputy Director-General (Telecoms & Post)
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
10 Pasir Panjang Road
#10-01 Mapletree Business City
Singapore 117438

Please submit soft copies via email to: