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Proposed Regulatory Framework and Standards for Intelligent Transport Systems (“ITS”) in the 5.9 GHz (5.875 – 5.925 GHz) Frequency Band

Issued Date: 21/12/2015

Decision Date: 06/02/2017

6 February 2017 – IMDA’s Decision on the Regulatory Framework and Standards for Intelligent Transport Systems ("ITS") in the 5.9 GHz (5.875 - 5.925 GHz) Frequency Band

15 January 2016 – IDA received responses at the close of the public consultation

21 December 2015 - Public Consultation on the Proposed Regulatory Framework and Standards for Intelligent Transport Systems (“ITS”) in the 5.9 GHz (5.875 – 5.925 GHz) Frequency Band

6 February 2017

IMDA has issued its decision on the Regulatory Framework and Standards for Intelligent Transport Systems ("ITS") in the 5.9 GHz (5.875 - 5.925 GHz) Frequency Band.

IMDA's Decision
Regulatory Framework and Standards for Intelligent Transport Systems ("ITS") in the 5.9 GHz (5.875 - 5.925 GHz) Frequency Band (352.83KB)
Annex A: Summary of Frequency Allocations and Licensing Framework (136.43KB)
Annex B: Technical Specification for Dedicated Short-Range Communications in Intelligent Transport Systems (975.25KB) 
Annex C: Summary of Existing Regulatory Framework and Technical Requirements for 76-77 GHz and 79 GHz (77-81 GHz) Bands (195.89KB)

3 February 2016

IDA received 3 responses to the Public Consultation at the closing date.

IDA thanks all respondents for their submissions. IDA will review all comments received and announce its decision when it is ready.

Responses received at closing date - 15 January 2016
Cisco Systems (USA) Pte Ltd (128.50KB)
Singapore Telecommunications Ltd (101.52KB)
StarHub Mobile Pte Ltd (718.06KB)

21 December 2015

This public consult is to seek the industry’s views on the proposed Intelligent Transport Systems (“ITS”) spectrum framework and standards in the 5.9 GHz band to be adopted by Singapore. 

The spectrum framework and standards consulted will be an enabler for the Land Transport Authority’s ("LTA") initiative in the upcoming national ITS developments and deployments, which include self-driving/autonomous vehicles. 

Among many other collaborations between IDA and LTA, IDA had invited local industry players and relevant authorities back in 2014 to form an ITS task force within Singapore’s Telecommunications Standards Advisory Committee (“TSAC”) to formulate local technical specifications for possible adoption by IDA, which will enable future smart transportation systems in support of Singapore’s smart nation vision. 

The chairman of the ITS task force under IDA TSAC, Dr Jaya Shankar, is also the co-editor for rapporteur group under the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector Study Group 16 (“ITU-T SG 16”) working on vehicle gateway platform for telecommunication/ITS services/applications.

IDA Consultation Paper
Proposed Regulatory Framework and Standards for Intelligent Transport Systems (“ITS”) in the 5.9 GHz (5.875 – 5.925 GHz) Frequency Band (315.81KB)
Annex - Technical Specification on Dedicated Short-Range Communications in Intelligent Transport Systems (480.02KB)
All views and comments should be submitted in soft copies (Microsoft Word or PDF Format), and should reach IDA by 12 noon, 15 January 2016.  Respondents are required to include their personal or company particulars, correspondence address, contact number and email address in their submissions.  

All views and comments should be addressed to:

Aileen Chia (Ms)
Director General (Telecoms & Post)
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
10 Pasir Panjang Road
#10-01 Mapletree Business City
Singapore 117438
Fax: +65 6211 2116


Please submit your soft copies, with the email header “Proposed Regulatory Framework and Standards for Intelligent Transport Systems in 5.9 GHz Frequency Band” via email to