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Statistics on Telecom Services for 2008 (Jan - Jun)

Fixed Lines1
Total Fixed Line Subscriptions 1,860,700 1,861,700 1,861,800 1,862,500 1,863,000 1,862,900
Total Residential Line Subscriptions 1,086,800 1,087,700 1,087,800 1,087,400  1,087,100 1,086,700
Total Corporate Line Subscriptions 773,900 774,000 774,000 775,100  775,900 776,200
Fixed Line Population Penetration Rate 40.6% 40.6% 40.6% 40.6%  40.6% 38.5%
Fixed Line Household Penetration 95.0% 95.1% 95.1% 95.0%  95.0% 94.0%
Mobile Market
Total Mobile Subscriptions
5,765,100 5,825,500 5,924,100 5,993,800  6,079,500 6,159,900
Total Post-paid Subscriptions (2G) 1,255,700 1,216,900 1,153,900 1,103,600  1,059,400 1,017,000
Total Pre-paid Subscriptions (2G) 2,733,400 2,772,900 2,849,000 2,899,200 2,960,100 3,006,000
Total 3G Subscriptions3 1,776,000 1,835,700 1,921,200 1,990,900 2,060,000 2,136,900
Total SMS Messages (2G+3G) 989.91m 1,012.69m 1,072.36m 1,060.8m 1,128.3m 1,050.0m
Mobile Population Penetration Rate 125.6% 127.0% 129.1% 130.6% 132.5% 127.3%
Paging Services
Total Paging Subscriptions4 32,200 32,200 29,500 29,500 29,500 26,100
Paging Penetration 0.7% 0.7% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.5%
Dial-Up Internet Subscriptions
Total Internet Dial-up5 1,047,000 1,039.300 1,031,400 122,400 120,800 117,900
Total Residential Internet Dial-up 1,006,900 999,900 992,400 83,700 81,500 79,100
Total Corporate Internet Dial-up 40,100 39,400 39,100 38,700 39,300 38,800
Internet Dial-up Population Penetration Rate 22.8% 22.7% 22.5% 2.7% 2.6% 2.4%
Broadband Internet Subscriptions
Total Broadband6 3,381,400 3,486,500 3,640,600 3,765,400 3,891,800 4,026,400
Total Residential Broadband 892,100 902,900 925,100 940,500 956,700 989,600
Total Corporate Broadband 81,300 80,100 81,200 82,500 89,400 95,100
Total xDSL 471,100 473,800 481,900 486,800 491,800 497,800
Total Cable Modem 397,500 399,200 404,300 406,800 411,900 415,500
Total Leased Line Broadband 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800
Total Wireless Broadband7 2,503,800 2,605,000 2,745,400 2,862,800 2,979,000 3,103,800
Total Subscribers using other Broadband Internet Access Platforms 5,200 4,700 5,100 5,200 5,300 5,600
Household Broadband Penetration8 78.0% 78.9% 80.9% 82.2% 83.6% 85.6%
International Telephone Services
Total number of outgoing retail international telephone call minutes 423.51 million 427.86 million 447.24 million

464.67 million

468.59 million 478.81 million
Total number of outgoing retail international telephone call minutes including transit9 591.86 million 597.66 million 640.18 million 665.61 million 687.44 million 700.13 million

"Household Penetration" rates are computed by dividing the total subscriptions by "Total Households". "Total Households" refers to the total number of residential dwelling units in Singapore. "Household Penetration" rates for Jun 2007-May 2008 and from Jun 2008 onwards have been re-computed based on the estimated mid-year dwelling units figures obtained from the Department of Statistics in Oct 2008 for 2007 and 2008 respectively.

All subscriber figures are rounded to the nearest hundred.
All penetration figures are rounded to the nearest decimal point.

These telecom statistics are subject to revision from time to time to ensure accuracy.

1 "Fixed Lines" includes Direct Exchange Lines (“DEL”) and IP Telephony subscriptions using Level '6' numbers.

2 "Total Mobile Subscriptions" includes 2G, 3G subscriptions (including both pre-paid and post-paid subscriptions).
3 With effect from Nov 2007, "Total 3G Subscriptions" includes pre-paid and post-paid 3G subscriptions.

4 Paging figures from Jan 1999 onwards have been re-computed based on updated data information. With effect from Jul 2004, paging figures will be updated on a quarterly basis every Mar, Jun, Sep and Dec. The figures for Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Oct and Nov will not be updated and will reflect the latest quarterly figure.

5 Prior to 31 March 2008, the "Internet Dial-up Penetration Rate" includes: (i) subscriptions to paid Internet access service for all Internet Access Service Providers, including ISDN dial-up subscriptions; and (ii) subscriptions to free Internet access.  With the cessation of free dial-up Internet access offered by service providers by 31 March 2008, the number of dial-up Internet subscriptions only covers paid Internet access subscriptions.

6 "Total Broadband Subscriptions" (i.e., for connection speeds equal to, or greater than, 256 kbit/s, in one or both directions) includes retail xDSL, cable modem, leased line Internet, 3G, 3.5G/HSDPA, 4G/LTE, WiMAX or its equivalent and Wi-Fi hotspots access (including Wireless@SG subscriptions).

7  "Total Wireless Broadband Subscriptions" includes all retail broadband Internet access subscriptions (i.e., for connection speeds equal to, or greater than, 256 kbit/s, in one or both directions) provided via wireless platforms such as 3G, 3.5G/HSDPA, 4G/LTE, WiMAX or its equivalent and Wi-Fi hotspots (including Wireless@SG subscriptions).

8 From Apr 2007, the "Household Broadband Penetration" rate includes wireless access plans (provided via 3.5G/HSDPA and WiMAX or its equivalent). It excludes subscriptions to 3G and Wi-Fi hotspots. This figure is computed using the total number of residential broadband subscribers on a per household basis. Please note that this is not reflective of the proportion of households with broadband in Singapore. For a more reflective number, please refer to IDA's Household Survey findings.

9 This figure includes total retail outgoing international call minutes as well as transit minutes and. includes all Service-Based Operators (SBO).