Be aware of scammers impersonating as IMDA officers and report any suspicious calls to the police. Please note that IMDA officers will never call you nor request for your personal information. For scam-related advice, please call the Anti-Scam helpline at 1800-722-6688 or go to

Household Access to Computer by Household Composition, 2018 – 2023

Household Access to Computer by Household Composition 2018-2023

Household Access to Computing Devices, 2018 – 2023

Household Access to Computing Devices 2018-2023

Household Access to Internet by Household Composition, 2018 – 2023

Household Access to Internet by Household Composition 2018-2023

Individuals Smartphone Ownership by Age Group, 2018 – 2023

Individuals Smartphone Ownership by Age Group 2018-2023

Individuals who Made Online Purchase by Age Group, 2018 – 2023

Individuals who Made Online Purchase by Age Group 2018-2023

Individuals Internet Usage by Age Group, 2018 – 2023

Individuals Internet Usage by Age Group 2018-2023

Key Internet Activities, 2018 – 2023

Key Internet Activities 2018-2023


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