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e-Government Gov-to-Public Surveys 2007

Annual eGovernment Customer Perception Survey Conducted in 2007


The e-Government Customer Perception Survey is conducted annually by the Ministry of Finance and Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore to assess the general public's level of receptivity towards e-Government initiatives and to identify areas for further improvement.

This is the fifth e-Government Customer Perception Survey. It was conducted between 2 February and 2 March 2007 for the reporting period of FY2006.


The objectives of the survey were to determine the proportion of users who have transacted with the Government electronically, either on their own or with help, and their satisfaction with Government electronic services.

Research Methodology

1,208 respondents, representative of the total demographic population above the age of 15, were surveyed. Data collection was done through telephone interviews, administered in English, Chinese and Malay.

Survey Results

  1. Users who had transacted with the Government electronically, either on their own or with help, at least once in the past 12 months.

    Almost 9 out of 10 (89%) who transacted with Government did so electronically (via the Internet, automated kiosks, email, telephone via the Interactive Voice Recognition System, SMS, etc.), either on their own or with help, at least once in the past 12 months. This is the first time that the group of users who is assisted or guided in the use of Government electronic services through intermediaries is monitored.

    The typical profile of such users, whether on their own or with help, was skewed towards young adults (aged 20 to 39 years old) and white collar workers.

    The remaining 11% who had never transacted electronically with the Government were primarily senior citizens and blue-collar workers. To help this group of users, the Government has put in place a network of easily accessible CitizenConnect centres. They can go to any CitizenConnect centre for free internet access or complimentary help to transact electronically with the Government. There are currently 28 CitizenConnect centres throughout Singapore.
  2. Satisfaction with overall quality of Government electronic services.

    More than 8 out of 10 users (86%) gave a rating of 4 and above on a 6-point scale on their satisfaction with the quality of Government electronic services. Users were happy with the quality of Government electronic services.

    If "don't know/ can't say" is excluded,  percent satisfied (i.e. 4-6) is 82% for FY2004, 86% for FY2005, 87% for FY2006

  3. Reasons for using/ not using electronic services to transact with the Government.

    Among those who used electronic services to transact with the Government, the key reasons for doing so were:

    • Saved time
    • Easy to use

    Among those who did not use electronic services to transact with the Government, the main reason for not doing so was:

    • No such need